Paraguayan health authorities said the number of dengue cases was declining. Still, they told the population to look out for oropouche, another mosquito-borne virus that causes symptoms similar to those of dengue. Instead of the Aedes Aegypti, or pouches is carried by the Culicoides Paraensis mosquito.
Dengue fever has killed over 2,000 people in Brazil while almost 4.2 million cases of the malady have been confirmed this year in South America's largest country. The incidence rate of the disease is 2,056.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Chilean health authorities said that dengue fever was on the rise nationwide last week, now totaling 228 confirmed cases, none of them autochthonous (patients with no recent travel history) in Chile's mainland. Nevertheless, local experts underlined that the Aedes Aegyppti mosquito was present in the country as a result of weather abnormalities stemming from climate change.
Paraguayan producers Wednesday dispatched the first shipment of mosquito repellent to Argentine, where President Javier Milei's administration opened up the borders to import this product in a move to curb black-market-like prices given the high demand stemming from the onset of a dengue fever outbreak.
Uruguayan authorities announced Monday in Montevideo that 80 new cases of dengue fever have been confirmed nationwide, 55 of them autochthonous (i.e., in patients with no recent travel history) and 25 imported.
Dengue fever has killed over 1,000 Brazilians so far this year while other 1,531 deaths are under investigation, federal authorities admitted Wednesday. The Health Ministry's Arbovirus Panel said 1,020 deaths from the disease have been recorded whereas the total number of casualties from the same ailment in 2023 amounted to 1,079. The country has recorded some 2.6 million infections, Agencia Brasil also reported.
The latest epidemiological report of the Argentine health authorities on the dengue fever outbreak mentions 129 deaths and a total of 180,529 cases since the beginning of the 2023-2024 season until the 12th week of 2024. Among the dead is the country's first celebrity - the 33-year-old wife of a professional golfer, who died over the weekend.
Uruguay's Health Ministry (MSP) Zoonosis and Vectors Director Gabriela Willat said Monday that they are the flood mosquitoes, which breed in puddles and hatch at the same time. She made those remarks as the number of dengue cases is soaring in neighboring Argentina and Brazil while an increase is expected locally following the current Tourism Week holiday, the country's lay version of the Easter Week recess.
Health Ministers from Argentina's 24 districts (23 provinces plus the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires -CABA-) convened Monday with their federal government colleague, Mario Russo, to review the situation of dengue fever nationwide and agreed to review the use of the Japanese-developed Qdenga vaccine next year.
President Luis Lacalle Pou Tuesday confirmed Uruguay's first fatality due to dengue fever in 2024 following a Health Ministry (MSP) report that a possible case was under investigation. The head of state will meet Wednesday with Health Minister Karina Rando at the Suarez y Reyes residency to review possible courses of action with the malady as a priority.