January 20th, Penguin Awareness Day, acknowledged worldwide and the environmental group Falklands Conservation, extended an invitation to celebrate the incredible penguins that call the Falkland Islands home.
Falklands Conservation has published initial views on the Navitas oil company Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and encourages people to comment on the report. This is of course welcome but their statement that essential information on key animal groups is missing, is misleading. It states that ‘the presented seabird data is more than 20 years old’.
After ten years as Board Chairman of Falklands Conservation, the charity thanked and wished a heartfelt farewell to Roger Spink. His position will be taken over by Tom Blake, from FIDC, Falklands Development Corporation.
As of the end of March, Falklands Conservation was featured in The Times and The Sunday Times as one of the charities to support in 2024. The article points out that UK has a long history of charitable giving (“charity” was first defined in English law as early as 1601). The problem comes with choosing which worthy organizations to give to.
World Whale Day, WWD was created in 1980 by Greg Kaufman founder of the nonprofit organization, Pacific Whale Foundation, and is celebrated the third Sunday of February.
Falklands Conservation has called for a commitment to a net-zero greenhouse gas target for the Falkland Islands by 2050 - in line with a range of other nations from around the globe - as CEO of Falklands Conservation Esther Bertram said that without action “the Falklands are part of the global climate crisis, both in feeling the consequences and in trying to find solutions.”
Acoustic research by wildlife charity, Falklands Conservation (FC), and the non-profit African Aquatic Conservation Fund (AACF), has revealed seasonal singing by sei whales in the Falkland Islands, documenting a breeding song display in this Endangered cetacean for the first time.
As part of the Darwin Plus funded project (DPLUS126), Falklands Conservation are aiming to deploy up to 10 satellite tags on southern right whales during the winters of 2022 and 2023. The research questions for southern right whales mean that Falklands Conservation scientists will use two different types of tags:
A Falklands Conservation project has identified the Falklands Islands’ inshore waters as globally recognized Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) for breeding seabirds, driving forward their aim for quality marine management practices in the Islands.
Next week (16th-22nd May), Falkland Islands residents should consider taking part in Falkland Conservation’s Big Plastic Count. Inspired by Greenpeace's plastic count in the UK, Falklands Conservation are launching an island-wide survey with the aim of recording all plastic used by Falklands residents in just one week.