Uruguayan lawmakers submitted a new euthanasia bill before the Lower House, reviving a proposal already passed there in 2022 but stalled in the Senate. The bill, introduced by deputies from the Colorado Party (PC) and the ruling Brooad Front (Frente Amplio - FA), is supported by a multiparty coalition including members of the Partido Nacional and Partido Independiente. The initiative seeks to allow assisted death for individuals with terminal, incurable, and irreversible diseases.
A Spanish outlet highlighted that the terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) had resurfaced in Uruguay and was planning to spread throughout the continent. However, the Ministry of the Interior in Montevideo said the video that went viral and on which those reports were based was old and that its author had already been placed in custody.
Uruguay's Lower House Thursday passed a bill legalizing euthanasia with 57 votes out of 96. The project now goes to the Senate for further Parliamentarian treatment.