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Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:42 UTC

Tag: Irfaan Ali

  • Tuesday, March 12th 2024 - 20:14 UTC

    Henry's resignation as Haiti's PM announced

    Henry will be allowed to stay in Puerto Rico

    Ariel Henry has tendered his resignation as Haiti's prime minister, clearing the way for a transitional government to lead the country to new elections, which have not been held since 2016.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2024 - 09:38 UTC

    Caricom deeply involved in finding solution to Haiti's crisis

    Caricom has a “responsibility to do everything we can,” Ali said

    As Haiti's future looks more uncertain by the hour with Prime Minister Ariel Henry unable to return to the country and gang leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier technically ruling in parts of Por-au-Prince, the Caribbean Community (Caricom) is seeking to play a leading role in the solution to the problem, it was reported in Georgetown, where Guyanese President Irfaan Ali holds the group's rotating chair.

  • Saturday, February 10th 2024 - 11:07 UTC

    Guyana to restructure its Defense Force

    Ali acknowledged that renewing the country's defense forces does not mean overstretching “our financial resources”

    Guyanese authorities have allocated US$ 201 million to update the South American country's military equipment as tensions with Venezuela over the oil-rich Essequibo mount. Helicopters, maritime surveillance vessels, and at least one drone will be acquired, President Irfaan Ali announced. Ali said his government would focus on technology items for the Guyana Defense Force (GDF) and on cooperation with allied countries.

  • Monday, December 18th 2023 - 10:41 UTC

    Brazilian diplomacy manages to cool tensions between Venezuela and Guyana

    Nicolas Maduro and Guyana elected president held a first meeting, over the disputed region in the Grenadines which currently holds the chair of Celac, Community of Latin American and Caribbean States

    In what is considered a success for Brazilian diplomacy, Venezuela and Guyana pledged in a joint statement last Thursday, not to resort to force to settle a long-standing dispute over contested land and adjoining sea in an oil and gas-rich region known as the Essequibo.

  • Friday, December 15th 2023 - 10:32 UTC

    Venezuela and Guyana not to use force over Essequibo dispute

    Ali and Maduro will meet again in three months in Brazil

    Presidents Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela and Irfaan Ali of Guyana agreed Thursday in St. Vincent and the Grenadines not to threaten each other or use force in any circumstances. The 11-topic understanding was reached in the first round of talks brokered by host Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves as president pro-tempore of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

  • Tuesday, December 12th 2023 - 10:22 UTC

    Presidents of Venezuela and Guyana prepare for Thursday's talks

    Maduro says he has a mandate but Ali insists sovereignty over the Essequibo was not to be on the table

    Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro insisted Monday that next Thursday's talks in St Vicent and the Grenadines between him and his Guyanese colleague Irfaan Ali were the direct result of the Dec. 3 referendum and, hence, an achievement of the Venezuelan people.

  • Tuesday, December 12th 2023 - 10:13 UTC

    Essequibo conflict: Brazil sending observer to Maduro-Ali meeting

    Celso Amorim, Lula's advisor on international affairs, will be representing Brazil next Thursday in St Vincent and the Grenadines

    The Brazilian Government of President Luiz Inácio Lula a Silva shall be sending a delegation headed by former Foreign Minister and current presidential advisor on international affairs Celso Amorim to Thursday's meeting between the leaders of Guyana and Venezuelan in St Vincent and the Grenadines to discuss the Guiana Essequiba issue, it was reported in Brasilia.

  • Saturday, December 9th 2023 - 10:26 UTC

    Essequibo: Guyanese president hopes Maduro will not act recklessly

    Ali hopes... but Maduro is said to be planning a trip to Russia. To get military help from Putin?

    Guyanese President Irfaan Ali said that Venezuela's latest actions regarding the dispute over the Guaiana Essequiba were “a regional threat” and hoped Nicolás Maduro's regime would not act “in an adventurous and very irresponsible manner.”

  • Saturday, December 2nd 2023 - 20:14 UTC

    Venezuela ignores UN ICJ ruling and will go ahead with a referendum on Guyana's Esequibo

    Venezuelan dictator Maduro said in Caracas that Guyana and ExxonMobil, which recently found oil offshore in Essequibo, had been dealt “a historic beating.”

    Venezuela will press on with a weekend referendum over the fate of a vast disputed area in the Esequibo region it claims, disputing neighboring Guyana's jurisdiction, despite the UN International Court of Justice, ICJ, Friday ruling urging restraint in the dispute.

  • Friday, April 7th 2023 - 10:07 UTC

    New ICJ ruling against Venezuela in Essequibo case

    “Guyana is confident that the court will uphold its long-standing international boundary with Venezuela,” Guyanese President Irfaan Ali said

    The Venezuelan administration of President Nicolás Maduro was dealt another international setback Thursday when the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday turned down new objections filed by Caracas regarding the territorial dispute with Guyana over the oil-rich Essequibo.

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