Uruguay will be hosting Paraguayan president Horacio Cartes in early June when he is expected to confirm' his country's support to Uruguay and Brazil in their renewed approach to accelerate negotiations for the signing of a full cooperation and free trade agreement with the European Union, which were started fifteen years ago.
Once the EU and Mercosur exchange their proposals for a free trade agreement, negotiations will 'move fast' and the deal should be closed sometime in 2015, according to EU ambassador in Montevideo, Juan Fernandez Trigo. But he also pointed out that he expected Mercosur proposal to be in accordance with terms established in 2010.
The lack of ‘tuning’ in trade affairs is not the only motive stalling the decade long Mercosur/European Union trade and cooperation discussions according to EU ambassador in Montevideo, Juan Fernandez Trigo who also included what he described as the ‘new historic reality’.