A stunning video shows an anxious baby killer whale approaching humans in a boat to rescue its mother who is stuck in a fishing net. After the rescue service experts calm down the baby whale, it starts swimming in a particular direction indicating that they should follow her.
A calf of killer whales only a few days old has been sighted for the first time off the Punta Bermeja area, on the Rio Negro coast, leading specialists to speculate that its parents would not be far away.
Killer whales are likely responsible for the disappearance of great white sharks from the waters of Cape Town, South Africa — a popular destination to go cage diving, according to a new South African government report.
Russian research scientists defended the way they released eight whales back into the wild last week and said on Thursday they would release scores more of the captive animals in the same way despite anger from environmental groups.
Five Japanese whaling vessels have set sail for the country's first commercial hunt in decades, in defiance of international criticism. The whaling ships have a permit to catch 227 minkes, Bryde's and sei whales this year in Japanese waters.
International pressure is growing for the Russian government to release nearly 100 juvenile whales which have been kept in small pens in the far east for seven months. French marine scientist Jean-Michel Cousteau and other experts are meeting government officials in Moscow. They plan to visit the so-called “whale jail” near Nakhodka on Saturday.
Greenpeace celebrates the 'incredible' news that Iceland has cancelled the fin whale hunt for the current season and underlines that nowadays “there is simply no place for commercial whaling” plus the fact that Iceland and Japan have stockpiles of unwanted whale meat.
Studies of killer whales (Orca) in South Georgia waters may help fishermen avoid the whales stealing the fish off the fishing long-lines (termed depredation), according to the latest edition of South Georgia Newsletter.
To many, the killer whale, also known as orca, is considered the panda of the sea (a not-so-cuddly black and white ocean beast). Whale scientists have been particularly busy over the last 20 years studying the killer whale and we now know a whole lot about this species or, as it turns out, possibly several species.