Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd announced Monday that the well drilled to the East of the Falkland Islands to a depth of over 4.000 meters is a gas discovery. The statement comes after a rough week for FOGL when its shares plummeted following poor and unfounded press coverage.
The AIM listed company Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd reflected on Thursday on the progress made in the first half of the year when it managed a significant equity placing and negotiations for two farm-out deals which helped with a cash-balance of over 220 million dollars.
The Falkland Islands Government has welcomed the news of a farm-in agreement between Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd and US based Noble Energy which was announced on Monday and confirms the Falklands as an “excellent investment destination”.
London AIM listed Falkland Oil and Gas announced it has reached an agreement to farm out a 35% stake in most of its Falkland Islands’ exploration licenses to the US Noble Energy to help fund its drilling plans off the Islands.
After two disappointing results, Borders & Southern has officially completed its deep water drilling program in the South Falkland Islands basin, the company announced on Tuesday. The company said well Stebbing has been “successfully plugged and abandoned,” bringing to an end the Company's current two well drilling program.
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd plans to raise £32m through a placing of shares at 70p each, with the money earmarked for the oil and gas exploration company’s 2012 drilling program, according to a release from the company heavily involved in exploration to the South and East of the Falkland Islands.
FOGL, the oil and gas exploration company focused on its extensive licence areas to the South and East of the Falkland Islands announces further progress on its rig contract negotiations and certain changes to its licence arrangements.