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Montevideo, September 21st 2024 - 01:23 UTC


  • Monday, August 10th 2015 - 06:46 UTC

    Global oil supply more fragile than you think

    The growing acceptance that oil prices could stay lower for longer will kick off a fresh round of cuts in spending and workforces for the oil industry.

    Many oil companies had trimmed their budgets heading into 2015 to deal with lower oil prices. But the rebound in April and May to $60 per barrel from the mid-$40s suggested that the severe drop was merely temporary.

  • Sunday, August 2nd 2015 - 22:18 UTC

    Former Exxon president on mission to clean up oil sands

     Imagine extracting high-quality oil out of the estimated 32 billion barrels buried in Utah's oil sands, without creating toxic wastelands

    Canada has given oil sands a dirty reputation, but a breakthrough, commercially viable technology has caught the eye of a former Exxon Mobil president who is putting it to use to clean up Utah's billions of barrels of oil sands.

  • Thursday, July 30th 2015 - 15:55 UTC

    Warren Buffett And Elon Musk To Spark A Lithium Boom

    Smart phones, tablets, laptops, and other consumer electronics demand more lithium. But the largest driver for lithium use will be in electric vehicles

    The age of electrification across the transportation sector, the solar panel revolution, and Tesla's battery giga-factory are igniting a battle for the cheapest battery. That will transform lithium into a boom-time mineral and the hottest commodity on the energy investor's radar. It has been easy to take lithium for granted.

  • Friday, July 24th 2015 - 11:18 UTC

    More job losses coming to U.S. shale

    With prices of both Brent and WTI moving towards $50 per barrel, this is bad news for the U.S. shale sector which is already dealing with rising debt

    With the recently concluded nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 countries, oil prices have already started heading downward on sentiments that Iran's crude oil supply would further contribute to the already rising global supply glut. The economic crisis in Greece, OPEC's high production levels and China's market turmoil have created more pressure on oil prices, making a price rebound look highly unlikely in the near future.

  • Thursday, July 9th 2015 - 02:38 UTC

    Don't panic, nothing has really changed in the oil markets

       Demand for oil is heading towards record levels both internationally and in the U.S. The Greek issue is not new and it has not changed.

    Monday's 8% WTI crude decline is setting up a big opportunity for buyers. And there could be more to come. But this is driven by momentum, not by the fundamental conditions in the physical market.

  • Friday, June 5th 2015 - 09:23 UTC

    The evolution of the oil weapon

    After the 1973 embargo, Nixon approached Saudi Arabia with a proposed deal to ensure that a repeat of such an embargo would never happen to the US

    In the age of derivatives, swaps, and electronic money transfers, a new form of warfare has emerged: financial warfare. Recently, the US has passed sanctions on countries such as Syria, Venezuela and North Korea, but the majority of energy related sanctions passed have been targeted at Iran and Russia.

  • Thursday, May 14th 2015 - 08:17 UTC

    Saudi Arabia continues to turn screws on U.S. Shale

    Saudi Arabia has increased production by 700,000 barrels per day since the fourth quarter of 2014 in an effort maintain market share

    Saudi Arabia continues to ratchet up production, taking market share away from U.S. shale producers. According to OPEC's latest monthly oil report, Saudi Arabia boosted its oil output to 10.31 million barrels per day in April, a slight increase over the previous month's total of 10.29 million barrels.

  • Friday, May 8th 2015 - 18:34 UTC

    David vs. Goliath: small-cap tech to save giant coal

    EPA regulations add a further 28 states to the 22 states who already have similar state-imposed mercury emission compliance regulations.

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new mercury pollution regulations that took effect last month opened the flood gates for a new multi-billion-dollar energy industry that has investors scrambling to get in on second-generation technology poised for massive revenue gains.

  • Wednesday, May 6th 2015 - 18:40 UTC

    Is this where investors should be looking when oil recovers?

    Saskatchewan remains the last highly accessible onshore North American oil frontier and it is home to part of the prolific Williston Basin.

    When oil prices recover-and plenty of analysts think the climb back up will start soon-Canada's western frontier of Saskatchewan and neighboring Alberta will 'still have the edge'', according to a report from TD Economics. Depressed oil prices may have skewed the view from Canada's oil-producing west, but this will be one of the better places to bet on the oil rebound.

  • Saturday, May 2nd 2015 - 07:09 UTC

    Why the US should worry about oil sector jobs

    There is little doubt that as oil prices fall, some people working in that sector will lose their jobs, but what will the impact be on other sectors of the economy.

    Outside of individual's holding oil stocks, damage to the economy from the fall in oil has been pretty minimal so far. Indeed, the price cut in home heating oil and gasoline has probably outweighed the damage from lower oil prices… so far. Unfortunately, this situation may not last.