The blue (a euphemism for black market) dollar pierced the AR$ 1,000 threshold downward and closed Thursday at AR$ 980 after law enforcement raids at unofficial exchange parlors led to at least six people arrested ahead of the 4-day weekend, it was reported in Buenos Aires.
The blue (a euphemism for black market) dollar traded at AR$ 945 on Monday, thus reaching a new all-time high, it was reported in Buenos Aires as the Oct. 22 presidential elections loom over.
Loquacious Leftwing Front (Frente de Izquierda) Congresswoman Myriam Bregman was the only presidential candidate not to condemn Hamas' actions against Israeli civilians this weekend during their opening speeches of the second (and last) debate ahead of the Oct. 22 elections. Moreover, she somehow blamed Israel for what happened.
The so-called blue (a euphemism for black market) dollar traded at AR$ 885 on Friday for a total increase of AR$539 so far this year and AR$ 42 overnight, it was reported in Buenos Aires. At some point Friday, it hit the psychological AR$ 900 landmark.
Things are going from bad to worse for former Buenos Aires Cabinet Chief Martín Insaurralde, whose scandal with high-profile escort Sofía Clerici on a luxury yacht off Marbella splashed Argentine Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa's chances in the upcoming Oct. 22 elections.
The extent of the damage caused by the so-called Insaurralde Scandal to the presidential candidacy of Argentina's Economy Minister Sergio Massa of the ruling Unión por la Patria (UP) front will not be known for certain until the Oct. 22 elections. The same will happen with Buenos Aires Governor Axel Kiciloff's reelection bid.
The first presidential debate between the five contenders for the Argentine presidency was held on Sunday in Santiago del Estero, without any of the candidates outperforming the others. However, Patricia Bullrich of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) was criticized for her stiffness on stage and for failing to explain how she would bring about the changes the country so desperately needs.
Next 22 October a presidential election will take place in Argentina, South America's second-largest economy and three candidates are competing for the job, Sergio Massa, the incumbent, Patricia Bullrich, from the traditional opposition when two coalitions prevailed in the Argentine political system, and Javier Milei, a declared libertarian, economist, and if published Argentine opinion polls can be trusted, the front runner.
The Argentine Senate Thursday passed a bill by 38 votes to 27 to up the barrier indicating who must pay the Income (Earnings) Tax. Despite opposition from Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) citing electioneering intentions, the measure proposed by Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa was approved last week by the Lower House.
Tension between Argentina and Paraguay is on the rise after Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa argued that his country had paid for the construction of the Yacyretá Dam between the 1980s and 1990s and was still owed “billions of dollars” for it.