Ten Falkland Islands former Governors took Sukey Cameron MBE to lunch to mark her retirement as Falkland Islands Government Representative in London. Ms. Cameron told Penguin News she believed it was the first occasion that they have all been together.
A delegation of Falkland Islands' lawmakers and staff are attending the annual round of UK political parties’ conferences. This week was the turn of the Labour Party which met at Brighton
A detachment from the Falkland Islands Defence Force visited London last week to attend Defence and Security Equipment International 2019 show (DSEI2019) at the Excel centre.
Marking another successful year the Annual Falkland Islands Government Reception took place on Tuesday 4th June at Middle Temple, London.
The Falkland Islands Government announced on Tuesday the appointment of Richard Hyslop as the new UK Representative, succeeding Sukey Cameron MBE who retires from the post in October 2019, after 36 years of service within FIG, 29 of which were as UK Representative.
Describing it as the start of a long slow goodbye, at a reception at Government House, last week Governor Nigel Phillips paid tribute to the Falkland Islands Representative in London Sukey Cameron MBE, who will retire later in the year.
The Falkland Islands Government announced on Friday that Mrs Sukey Cameron MBE, the Falkland Islands Government Representative in the UK, is to retire in October 2019.