The seizure of YPF by Argentina can be expected to have a positive repercussion for Uruguay since the country has an enviable legal system and keeps to the rules of the game, said the new Spanish ambassador in Montevideo, Roberto Varela.
Spain’s Repsol has cancelled its contract to supply Argentina with liquefied natural gas (LNG), just weeks after the country seized control of the company's majority stake in YPF, a document obtained by international news agency Reuters showed.
Argentina's Petersen Group missed a 400 million dollars payment to creditor banks on Wednesday, which could allow them to seize the shares of oil company YPF backing the loan.
Argentine provinces are falling back in paying salaries and honouring debts as they face a shortage of cash and almost record rates for issuing bonds in money markets, reports Buenos Aires financial press.
Argentine state-controlled energy company YPF said it risks having its American Depositary Shares (ADS) de-listed by the New York Stock Exchange since it is not complying with all regulatory requirements.
Repsol YPF SA the large Spanish oil and gas company on Tuesday sued Argentina for seizing control of formerly state-owned energy company YPF SA, in which Repsol held a majority stake.
Argentina's seizure of 51% of the shares of Spanish oil group Repsol's YPF unit could scare away international firms from investing in the, the International Energy Agency said on Friday.
Argentine Vice President Amado Boudou on Tuesday urged US companies to invest in YPF, the nationalized oil company that Argentina recently expropriated from Spain's Repsol.
Spain-based energy group Repsol has sent letters to oil majors including Exxon-Mobil, Chevron and Conoco-Phillips warning it would sue them if they try to invest in YPF or its assets, reports the British newspaper The Financial Times.
The Argentine decision to seize control of 51% of YPF oil and gas giant came into effect on Monday as a decree was published on the Official Gazette. From Spain a new barrage of criticisms in support of Repsol and condemning Argentina started the week.