La Capilla del Memorial a las Falklands-Malvinas, una pequeña y moderna iglesia que usa símbolos religiosos tradicionales al igual que tecnología informática para recordar a los combatientes británicos muertos en la guerra de las Falklands-Malvinas ahora cuenta con un sitio oficial en la red.
The Falklands Memorial Chapel, a small modern church which uses traditional religious features as well as computer technology to remember the British Servicemen who died in the Falklands War, now has an official web site.
The first Falkland Islands student to gain a place at Oxford University, Stephen Betts, has been talking about life in Britain's prestigious university.
A rich Argentine woman has been highly praised in the British media for giving invaluable humanitarian aid to a war wounded Kosovan girl and for making the biggest ever private donation to the World Food Programme.