Brazil is the most stable economy; Serious rival for Lula; Petrobras record production
Trawler fire still burns; Chilean poultry and eggs banned; Man overboard; Argentine elections; PRPs stopped; Indecent assault charge
After being deemed mentally unfit for trial due to dementia, former dictator Augusto Pinochet resigned from his lifelong seat in the Chilean senate, officials reported Thursday.
Mexico promised on Thursday to vouch for the trustworthiness of Argentina, which is mired in depression, in dealings with the United States and other leading economies
DAP Manager blasts Lan Chile; Rural tourism; Longing for the Argentines; New ferry;Negative inflation
Chile's Finance Minister Nicolás Eyzaguirre lowered the country's annual estimated growth from 3,5 to 3,2% as direct consequence of international factors, particularly the Argentine and Brazilian situation.
Falkland Islands Government is to undertake more detailed studies of two linked sites for its proposed deep water port, at Port William Navy Point, and the Camber.
Some 2,500 people took up the opportunity to find out more about Britain's fourteen Overseas Territories on Tuesday, July 2, 2002, and to see the magnificent rooms at the Grade I listed Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) building.
Although the final results will not be forthcoming for several weeks, poll estimates indicate former president Gonzalo de Sánchez Lozada won the first round of Bolivia's election with Manuel Reyes Villa trailing closely behind with less than a point difference, ( 21% and 20%), but both distant from the 50% plus one needed to take office next August 6th.
In a short address to the country Argentine president Eduardo Duhalde announced national elections will be advanced from September 2003 to March 2003, with compulsory, simultaneous and open primaries for all parties to nominate candidates next November.