Colombian Minister of Defence Juan Carlos Pinzón said that security forces will continue with military operations in the country despite the unilateral two-month cease fire declared by the guerrilla group FARC, which becomes effective Monday 24:00 hours.
Latin America pledged investment opportunities for recession-hit Spanish and Portuguese companies but warned its former colonial masters drastic cost cutting would only deepen their misery.
European Union looks set for a new round of clashes this week as an extraordinary summit called to agree a long-term trillion-Euro budget heads for an ugly showdown, possibly even failure.
Gasoline rationing in New York City which was scheduled to end on Monday has been extended through Friday, even as the gas station lines that prompted it have all but disappeared.
Spain’s decision to pull out of the trilateral process was formally recorded in the consensus decision on Gibraltar adopted by the United Nations General Assembly this year.
Australian Environment minister Tony Burke signed into force on Monday a two-year ban on any super trawler operating in the small pelagic fishery. The ban is based on a battery of new laws and seems directed to the arrival to Australia of the Dutch vessel Abel Tasman.