Paraguayan president Horacio Cartes will be making a round of visits to neighbouring countries beginning with Argentina, which will be followed by Brazil, Uruguay and Chile before the end of the year, revealed foreign ministry sources.
Brazilian foreign minister Antonio Patriota has stepped down and will be replaced by the current representative before United Nations Ambassador Luis Alberto Figueiredo Machado, it was confirmed Monday evening by the spokesperson from President Dilma Rousseff’s office.
Argentina will send a bill to Congress this week to reopen a debt restructuring for those creditors who haven’t accepted previous swaps after the nation’s 2001 default, said President Cristina Fernandez Monday evening on national television.
Brussels will determine whether the 70 cement blocks dumped in the Gibraltar bay are legal or not, according to the European Union spokesperson Olivier Bailly who anticipated an EC fact finding mission can be expected next month to visit the controversy area.