Uruguay’s per capita consumption of meats last year reached 98 kilos which represents a 3.4% increase over 2011 and above the average of developed countries that stands at 78 kilos per person per year, according to stats released by the country’s National Meats Institute, INAC.
Fitch Ratings has downgraded China's sovereign credit rating, warning about a credit build-up in the economy that could threaten the recovery. The agency cited “underlying structural weaknesses” and a growing risk from shadow banking. The downgrade is for Yuan-denominated debt, not foreign currency debt.
The United Kingdom is hosting G8 Foreign ministers in London for a two-day meeting beginning Wednesday, when they will discuss the situation in the Middle East, including Syria and Iran; security and stability across North and West Africa; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and climate change.
Britain's lawmakers will gather for a special session of parliament on Wednesday to debate the legacy of former PM Margaret Thatcher, whose death on Monday exposed bitterly divided views on the Iron Lady's 11 years in power.
Italian centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani confirmed he would meet his centre-right rival Silvio Berlusconi soon, but held out little hope of a breakthrough in the political stalemate since February's inconclusive election.
Unemployment at unprecedented levels in the European Union means the risk of social unrest is on the rise says the UN's International Labour Organization Miguel Angel Malo who argues that EU politicians need to abandon austerity and embrace job creation.
The death of Baroness Thatcher, Prime Minister when the recovery of the Falklands by a British Task Force did not inspire a single word from the Argentine government, but other Latinamerican leaders and countries sent their condolences and praised the courage and determination of the Iron Lady.
President Barack Obama has said that with the passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher the world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty and the US a true friend.
Pope Francis was saddened to learn of the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and appreciative of the Christian values that underpinned her commitment to service and promotion of freedom.
Colombia’s political arch will take to the streets of Bogotá on Tuesday in support of the current peace process which is taking place between the government and the FARC guerrillas in Havana.