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CFK from the Kremlin praises Russia's support for Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty claim

Friday, April 24th 2015 - 07:36 UTC
Full article 29 comments
“Russia supports Argentina's striving for direct talks with Britain to achieve prompt resolution to the Malvinas Islands dispute,” Putin added. “Russia supports Argentina's striving for direct talks with Britain to achieve prompt resolution to the Malvinas Islands dispute,” Putin added.
“We thank Russia for the support it has historically provided in the Falklands/Malvinas question” underlined the Argentine president “We thank Russia for the support it has historically provided in the Falklands/Malvinas question” underlined the Argentine president

President Cristina Fernandez, CFK, on an official visit to Russia met at the Kremlin with Vladimir Putin and praised Moscow’s support to Argentina in the dispute with the United Kingdom over the sovereignty of the Falklands/Malvinas Islands as well as in the legal battle against speculative funds suing the country over its defaulted bonds.

 “We thank Russia for the support it has historically provided in the Malvinas question, in having the resolutions of the United Nations observed so the United Kingdom resolves to sit in the table to dialogue,” the head of state said on Thursday during the meeting with Putin, the culmination of her two-day visit to Russia.

“Russia supports Argentina's striving for direct talks with Britain to achieve prompt resolution to the Malvinas Islands dispute,” Putin added.

Responding to Putin's support in the South Atlantic islands dispute, the Argentine president explained her administration backed the UN 2202 resolution of February this year on the Ukraine question. Both leaders, the president said, agreed on the need to declare “the firmest condemnation of any kind of intervention by third countries in countries' domestic affairs” and concurred that diplomacy is the tool to solve disputes.

Regarding Argentina's ongoing battle with speculative funds, Cristina Fernandez said that “restructuring of sovereign debts is one of the biggest problems that many countries face,” calling again to “reaffirm the unconditional respect to national sovereignties” enshrined in the multilateral spirit of the United Nations and its resolutions.

Cristina Fernandez said that she will continue working on the drafting on an international convention regarding the restructuring of sovereign debts.

Joined by Economy Minister Axel Kicillof, Federal Planning Minister Julio De Vido and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman, Cristina Fernandez expressed her gratitude for “the warm welcome” she received from the government and the people of Russia, “in a special year” marking the 130 anniversary since the beginning of diplomatic relations between both countries.

The Russian leader had said ”countries have changed, the world has been transformed, but what has not changed is the will of our people to keep moving forward in the (bilateral) relation.”

Putin also said Buenos Aires-Moscow “contacts” have become “more dynamic” and pointed out he was ready to discuss with President Cristina Fernandez “not only the world problems, but also those bilateral issues that must be settled.”

The Argentine leader underlined the significance of the Eva Peron exhibition that was opened on Wednesday on one of the wings of Russia's History Museum, and pointed out that in the other wing there was a display on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

“As citizen of the world I want to emphasize the invaluable support of the Red Army in the fight and destruction of Nazism”, said the Argentine leader.

President Putin also mentioned that Russia and Argentina would be increasing military cooperation following the signature of an accord on defense issues.
“The new agreement on military collaboration and data protection will enable the considerable increase of practical cooperation in this field” said Putin without giving any details of the event.

In total over twenty agreements in different fields were signed as a result of Cristina Fernandez visit. The one on defense was stamped by ministers of defense Serguéi Shoigú and Agustin Rossi.

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  • gordo1

    Well................she would do, would't she? What more can we expect from this abject failure of an alleged stateswoman? Clutching at straws as usual!

    Apr 24th, 2015 - 07:48 am 0
  • Jo Bloggs

    Let's hope that Crisis Fernandez de Kirchner does not resort to Russian-style diplomacy to try to get what she wants in the Falklands.

    Apr 24th, 2015 - 08:15 am 0
  • Clyde15

    “As citizen of the world I want to emphasize the invaluable support of the Red Army in the fight and destruction of Nazism”, said the Argentine leader.

    So the whole of Argentina was anti Nazi in WW2 ?

    “Russia and Argentina would be increasing military cooperation following the signature of an accord on defense issues.”

    So we can now expect Russian naval facilities in Argentina,
    Does this not conflict with a peaceful Argentina AND the militarisation of the S.Atlantic ?

    Apr 24th, 2015 - 08:17 am 0
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