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UK expects new Canadian government will continue to support Falklands

Wednesday, November 25th 2015 - 07:21 UTC
Full article 65 comments
“We look forward to working with the new government of Argentina”, minister Swire told the House of Commons. “We look forward to working with the new government of Argentina”, minister Swire told the House of Commons.
Hopefully the people of the Falklands “will not suffer from the bullying and bellicosity shown by the current government of Argentina” Hopefully the people of the Falklands “will not suffer from the bullying and bellicosity shown by the current government of Argentina”
MP Rosindell asked the government to call on new Canadian PM to continue his country's support for the Falkland Islanders' right to self-determination MP Rosindell asked the government to call on new Canadian PM to continue his country's support for the Falkland Islanders' right to self-determination
“You can be reassured we expect the same from Prime Minister Trudeau”, regarding support for the Falklands' right to self determination, said Swire. “You can be reassured we expect the same from Prime Minister Trudeau”, regarding support for the Falklands' right to self determination, said Swire.

The UK government is looking forward to working with the new government of Argentina and hopes the people of the Falkland Islands will not suffer the bellicosity shown by the current administration, said Foreign Office minister Hugo Swire in Parliament.

 The minister added that he expects a similar attitude from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his administration, since Canada has been a strong supporter of Falkland Islands right to self determination.

The statement came in response to Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, who asked the government to call on new Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau to continue his country's support for the Falkland Islanders' right to self-determination when he visits the UK this week.

“We look forward to working with the new government of Argentina who hopefully will not suffer from the bullying and bellicosity shown by the former government of Argentina to the people of the Falkland Islands” minister Swire told the House of Commons.

The minister also announced that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on his way to London to meet PM David Cameron and the Queen, before travelling on to the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Valetta, Malta.

“You can be reassured we expect the same from Prime Minister Trudeau”, regarding support for the Falklands' people right to self determination.

“We expect exactly the same relationship. It's an ancient and potent relationship between ourselves and Canada.”

On Sunday business friendly Mauricio Macri was elected president of Argentina following a much disputed runoff. Macri's victory in the presidential election was the first in more than a decade for Argentina's centre-right opposition and ends the rule of the Peronist Party. It was also the first time the double turn or 'balotage' system was implemented in Argentina since the 1973 electoral reform.

Macri who is the outgoing mayor of Buenos Aires City, will take control of the presidency on 10 December.

Argentina has for decades claimed sovereignty over the Falkland islands, but the British government says the claim has “no basis in international law” and should be withdrawn. The Foreign office states that “we support the people of the Falkland Islands as they determine their own political and economic future”.

Furthermore, the Falklands will remain as a British Overseas Territory as long as the Islanders so decide. In 2013, Falkland Islanders took part in a referendum, voting by 1,513 to three to remain a British overseas territory.

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    Cameron and hist government haven't even had the decency to congratulate Macri.

    Not even in this session, could the legislature of this country bring itself to even issue a protocol memo.

    I think Macri should take note of this and act accordingly. The best time to capture people's true feelings about you is when they think you are not looking. All other EUropean governments congratulated Macri, but Cameron et al.

    Macri must remember when they put on their British pretense of friendship and use pompous flowery bombastic language to win your graces when they actually have some ulterior interest.

    Nov 25th, 2015 - 08:57 am 0
  • Skip


    Needy much?

    Nov 25th, 2015 - 09:17 am 0
  • golfcronie

    Just because Cameron has not been reported as congratulating Macri doesn't mean he hasn't. Christ as if Argentina really matters that much as so much more important things to address are at hand.

    Nov 25th, 2015 - 09:25 am 0
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