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Lula on stage calls on “democrats” to unite and defeat the “fascist adventure”

Friday, October 26th 2018 - 08:49 UTC
Full article 102 comments

Jailed ex-president Lula da Silva called on “democrats” on Wednesday to put aside their differences and unite in a bid to defeat a “fascist adventure” in Sunday's presidential election run-off. Right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro is favorite to defeat Lula's Workers Party (PT) colleague Fernando Haddad in the weekend's two-horse race. Read full article


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  • MarkWhelan

    When will we have the “Political Advice” of the other criminals being reported?
    I for one would like to know if “Beija Flor” agrees with Lula.

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    Lula, who was the best president Brazil has had, shows the caliber of his determination by speaking out even in the eve of what could be a win for somebody who has promised to have him rot in jail.

    Not only Bolsonaro is a confessed fascist -- this election has been deprived of legitimacy, first by the deposition of elected president Dilma Rousseff by a legislative coup and later by the imprisonment of Lula by a judge who, lacking proof, argued “conviction.”

    Facing the maneuvers, Fernando Haddad stepped in with a very short time to campaign - the tide is slowly turning and I wish the people of Brazil gives him a well deserved victory on Sunday.

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 04:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    Broken record.

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Jack Bauer

    “who was the best president Brazil has had....”

    Reekie , don't you ever feel embarassed posting such crap ? tell me, when was it that you lived here ?

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 05:28 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo

    Enrique Massot

    “They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7

    There is a strong wind coming from the Right to blow away the PT filth while Lula deservedly rots in prison.

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “There is a strong wind coming from the Right”

    So the right are busy sowing the wind now?

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 08:59 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Yes DemonTree,

    The right is sowing the hopes of Brazilians for a possibility of change.
    Perhaps Bolsonaro may fail, but what do the citizens have to lose? Crime rates alone are unacceptable and the corrupt mismanagement of what should be a prosperous country is a disgrace. Many political parties are guilty of nearly bankrupting Brazil, so it's logical that people have hope and are ready to make a change. “Hope and Change”

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 10:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Has the Hope and Change been working for Argentina so far...?

    Oct 26th, 2018 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Either you think CFK was a saint and doing miracles, or you realize she helped run her country further into eventual bankruptcy. In all fairness, her husband took over a presidency that no one really wanted with a country in near economic destruction. Argentina has all the potential for regaining its rightful position in the world, but they need to take some painful changes to progress forward.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “was the best president Brazil has had”:

    If there was an iota of truth in your delirium; during the !5 years of the PT-Era; Brazil would have been amongst the 1st world countries. Hopefully, you'll be able to see through the bombastic statements of Lullu; after you stop hallucinating.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Voice


    I have no opinion of CFK, all I'm saying is the wind of change has not worked for Argentina...

    Your country is described as being neither Left nor Right, but Centrist in its policies and probably the most free in Latin America and it apparently I'm not quite sure why you would wish a far right Govt on Brazil...

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 01:11 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo


    The success of Chile has been because we are blessed with a culture of anti-corruption, a free market economy and a strong central bank. Since 1990 we've enjoyed a fair Democratic process that's elected centrist, centrist-left and centrist-right governments with no dramatic changes in direction.
    However, in 1973 our country was in a civil war that resulted in a military dictatorship that forced our society to make painful and regretful changes that set the foundation of my country's eventual success.
    As I said before, I would never wish a brutal overthrow of any government and that's why I'm cheering the Brazilians to democratically embrace a 180 degree change. Bolsonaro could be a disaster, but what do they have to lose?

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 02:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Lula da Silva — Brazil’s former president — is sitting in his prison in Curitiba, a small town southwest of São Paulo. He should not be there. Evidence of corruption against him hangs on the words of a felon. Lula should have been on the ballot. But the oligarchy refused to allow this most popular man to run for the presidency.
    The oligarchy flooded the Bolsonaro camp with money. Democracy needs lubrication, and money does the trick. Some corporations used their money to create WhatsApp groups that carried fraudulent messages about Haddad, who is running against Bolsonaro. This is illegal. The hashtag #Caixa2doBolsonaro zipped across the internet. The whiff of fraud should have triggered an immediate investigation. It did not happen. It is Lula in prison.”

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 09:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “Bolsonaro could be a disaster, but what do they have to lose?”:

    W0W! THAT, was profound indeed!

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 10:02 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • DemonTree

    “what do they have to lose?”

    I wonder if the Libyans asked that when they overthrew Gadaffi, or the Syrians when they rebelled against Assad?

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Sometimes you have to break some eggs to make an omelette they say...
    ...shall I list all the Eastern European countries that threw off thier oppressive communist governments? Like I said, their is no guarantee that Bolsonaro will be a success, but the PT already has a solid track record of corrupt gross mismanagement.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 12:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    And if one of those E European countries was poised to elect someone who glorified the old communist government, and wanted to go back to those days of oppression, would you still be talking about winds of change?

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 03:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Just reviewing the recent history of Eastern Europe, the transition has been very mixed and unfortunately tragic. The former Yugoslavia is probably the worst case, but currently there seems to be a tendency for many governments to swing to both sides of the political spectrum. It's sad that there are a few that have become near Facist dictatorships.
    Brazil is very different. There is a class struggle that the poorest originally received tremendous support from the PT. Unfortunately the PT along with the other political parties betrayed their trust and many of those are now supporting Bolsonaro.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 03:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Funny how people who do not live in Brazil, have never been here, don't speak or understand the language properly, read only tendentious left-wing and exaggerated accounts of what's going on in Brazil with no real insight into Brazilian's experiences, feelings and motives to think they way they do, yet feel they are sufficiently well-informed to give authoritative opinions....
    Just a note to all those who piously believe, if Bolsonaro wins the elections tomorrow, that Brazil will, as of January 2019, become a military dictatorship : campaign rhetoric is usually exaggerated, full of unaccomplishable promises, straight-out lies and fake news...which in this campaign, have been taken to limits never seen before... mainly by the PT....which always accuses the other side of doing exactly what it does. Regardless, may I suggest that those who insist on being prophets of doom, that they wait until the new president, whoever it may be, takes office in 2019...

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Funny how you believe that people who” do not share your extremist view, do not live in Brazil.
    Bolsonaro, has clearly stated he intends to intentionally act as a dictator, by contravening both the Brazilian Constitution and International Human Rights. I hope that you are right, but I'm not optimistic. ”straight-out lies and fake news...which in this campaign, have been taken to limits never seen before... mainly by the PT. Which if true there would have been complaint lodged in the election court against the PT. Which the reverse is in fact true, so your opinion is unsupported by the actual facts,

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    For both my dear Marxist-Leninist friends: Enrique Massot and Terrence Hill:


    Resiste todo apagón
    Ilumínate con vela,
    Cepilla con sal tus muelas
    Y come como un ratón,
    Trabaja como un cabrón
    Límpiate bien sin papel,
    Endulza el café con miel
    Monta en carretón de mulo,
    Aprieta bien ese culo
    Y grita: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    Tómate el agua caliente,
    Al baño ve sin jabón,
    Toma el azuquín por ron
    Para despejar la mente,
    Friega bien sin detergente,
    Haz las cartas sin papel,
    Dibuja bien sin pincel,
    Haz comida sin carbón,
    Y para ser más cabrón,
    Repite: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    Ve al trabajo sin zapatos,
    Afeitate sin cuchilla,
    Come soya por ternilla
    Y ceolita por sulfato,
    Come fricasé de gato
    Adobado con laurel,
    Como comunista fiel
    Cúrate sin medicina,
    Maneja sin gasolina
    Y grita: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    Alúmbrate con chismosa
    Almuerza con hamburguesa,
    Y si aún estás soltero
    Para que cambie la cosa,
    Busca tener una esposa
    Cásate sin ir a hotel,
    Pon la mesa sin mantel,
    Usa el calzado sin media
    Y si no quieres tragedia,
    Alaba: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    Escribe sin lapicero
    Haz las copias sin carbón,
    Por café toma infusión.
    Y piensa como un carnero,
    Y como buen zapatero,
    Haz un zapato sin piel,
    Corta el cuero sin troquel.
    Y no uses pegamento,
    ¡Ah! Y legaliza el invento.
    Gritando: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    Ve a otro pueblo en bicicleta.
    Y no uses desodorante,
    Y para estar elegante
    Anda con short y chancleta,
    Y si quieres ser maceta
    Y coger un buen nivel,
    Móntate en un carrousel.
    Vende, compra y especula.
    Jinetea y busca fula,
    Y grita: ¡VIVA FIDEL!

    * Glosario Popular Cubano
    *AZUQUÍN: Bebida alcohólica de baja calidad utilizada para tratamiento de parásitos.
    *CHISMOSA: Llamada también “candil” consiste en una lata dispuesta con una mecha para iluminar cuando no hay electricidad.
    *FULA: Dólares.
    *JINETEAR: Prostituirse.
    *MACETA: Quien busca sus ingresos en negocios en el mercado negro. Aquí es Bachaquero.
    FIDEL: Se creía que era hijo de Juana, pero está confirmado que es un Hijo de P…

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 08:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    Candidate Jair Bolsonaro has never hid he is a far right extremist, a racist and a misogynistic who has no qualms about destroying unique environmental features such as the Amazon forest.

    Now, whoever uses the Chicureo nickname has gone on the record to endorse Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro. He has now, however, added a disclaimer: “Bolsonaro could be a disaster...”

    No matter. Chicureo supports Jair Bolsonaro.

    Obviously, he is aware of what Bolsonaro is capable of, so he adds the disclaimer to use it in his defense later on, because he knows full well what this guy is capable of.

    As noted in a CBC story:

    “Bolsonaro...a man who outrages progressive Brazilians with his insults directed at women, gays, black people and Indigenous people, but whose coarse and violent rhetoric has struck a tone with an angry section of the electorate.”

    Let's hope Chicureo takes responsibility later on for supporting a clearly violent, backward character taking over powerful yet socially unjust Brazil.

    Same goes for Jack Bauer, who advances the ridiculous notion that nobody else but him knows that Bolsonaro is in fact a good guy who has been falsely portrayed as a monster by his PT enemies.

    Come on, Jack. You fool not one. Rarely a candidate has been so transparent about his violent leanings and strong prejudices. So just say it: Tomorrow you are going to vote for a fascist candidate and you will soon learn a thing or two about what people of such caliber are capable of. Consolation: at least you people will be saved from “corrupt” PT.

    God help Brazilians.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 10:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Not funny at all - in fact, rather ridiculous... that YOU, who obviously recognized yourself as one of those who talks as if you knew all about Brazil, without ever having set foot in the country, should talk of extremist views.....while all the time you defend the PT, communism, leftist dictatorships.....take a look at yourself before you criticize others, especially when you haven't a clue what you are talking about...As they say her, “se a carapuça servir”...

    “Bolsonaro, has clearly stated he intends to intentionally act as a dictator” are losing it....IF he has stated “he intends to intentionally act as a dictator”, then send proof.....but if you only think that because of what your leftist bs sources tell you, you can start yr next post apologizing.....not like you did when you insisted that Mourão had been one of Brazil's generals to command the peace keeping mission in yourself te embarrassment.

    “Which if true there would have been complaint lodged in the election court against the PT”.

    You are proving how little you know of what happens here....but keep on with your ignorant discourse, it's great to prove you are nothing but fake news.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Voice

    A little true story...
    Years ago I came across Terry Hill on another site and on this site it showed where the posters were posting from...
    This particular site showed a Terry Hill posting from São Paulo Brazil....
    Now I know this was the same Terence Hill that posts on here because he cracked the same joke he once cracked on this site...something about a Brazilian, an Argentinian and someone else on a bus or a train blah blah...
    Just saying Jack...

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Incidentally the source article is from Jacobin not Slate
    Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters
    The writer I assume is competent in Portuguese and even he was mislead.
    ”Aldo Cordeiro Sauda is a journalist and PSOL activist who covered the Arab Spring for Estado de São Paulo and Folha de São Paulo, and is currently a masters candidate in political science at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP).“
    ”IF he(Bolsonaro) has stated “he intends to intentionally act as a dictator”, then send proof..”
    Already provided so you can't avoid the claim.

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:23 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Enrique and Terrence, enjoy the poem? If he had been elected, you could modify it by replacing Fidel with Lula...

    Oh I'm very well endorsing Bolsonaro! As I said below, considering the state of Brazilian affairs, what does the populace expect to lose? He's inexperienced and will not completely control the legislature, but he has a real possibility to reduce crime as well as significantly improve the prosperity of the people. “A rising tide raises all the boats in the harbor.”

    Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Jack Bauer

    Thanks for the insight....about 2 or 3 years ago he claimed he'd lived here...later on I asked where, but he was 'offended' (poor wee dear) and refused to say anymore about it...even if it is true, the fact remains he loves to spout crap about what he doesn't know...that will never change.
    But for Terry, to post a joke ? he doesn't even have a sense of humour....

    I don't care where the source artcicle is from , and anyway Jacobinmag, is just a communist rag. Don't come along with all this crap about being I now supposed to feel sorry for you ? and him ? Proof Terry, would be a video showing Bolsonaro saying he intends to be a dictator......anything else, like some BS report claiming he said it - without proof - is exactly that accepts anything, including your crap.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • DemonTree

    He already posted a link to such a video, but it was from 20 years ago. I don't think Bolso is going to declare a dictatorship the day he takes over, anyway. I think he's going to pass discriminatory laws, bring back the death squads, and probably undermine Brazil's already weak institutions in order to give himself more power. With support from the army and big business he'll be far more able to do it than Lula.

    Did you really live in Brazil? And more importantly, what was the joke?

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 01:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    It's Sunday in Brazil...
    ...the show will soon begin.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 02:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “I don't care where the source artcicle is from” I'm not writing for your benefit.
    “Haddad will be there with you soon, but not to visit,” Bolsonaro said of his centre-left opponent Haddad, who took over Lula's candidacy.
    “You can get out of here! You won't have any more chance in our homeland,” Bolsonaro said, “It will be a cleansing never seen in the history of Brazil.”
    Deprivation of political rights is forbidden;

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 02:56 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • DemonTree

    Your quote about Mourão didn't come from Jacobin, so don't blame Aldo Cordeiro Sauda for your misunderstanding.

    Do you speak Portuguese?

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 12:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Your quote about Mourão didn't come from Jacobin,”. Don't misstate the evidence, as that makes you liar. I'm only following the only source material available, while the mistake initiated with the author and he's a Brazilian. “Haiti, Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.”

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 12:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Why is it Terrence Hill is avoiding answering DemonTree's questions regarding Brazil? Could it be that he's a liar?

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 01:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    As usual you resort to insults to hide the fact you're wrong. Don't try and get out of it, you said:

    ”My unrestricted support for my longtime friend and respected military chief (Mourão), “wrote Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”

    And that didn't come from Jacobin, so Sauda had nothing to do with it.

    You probably understand Portuguese better than he does, even if he did live in Brazil.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “so Sauda had nothing to do with it.,”. You continue to misstate the evidence, so that makes you liar. I'm only following the only source material available, while the mistake initiated with one of the authors and one is a a Brazilian.
    “Haiti, Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.”
    Do you have trouble tying your shoelaces? What you're referring to is my attempt, after the fact to find the possible source material for original article, of which it may or may not been.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 02:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: Lula on stage calls on “democrats” to unite and defeat the “fascist adventure“:

    OBVIOUSLY; he is more worried about his ”backside”!

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 03:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    What have I said in this thread that's incorrect, liar? But I see you're finally admitting it was you who found that quote and not Sauda, and the two have nothing do with each other except your mistaken impression that the latter might confirm the former.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Actually I'm very proficient in Portuñol which is a bastardized version of Castellano and Portugués. I've been blessed with dear friends in Recife and Petrolina who somehow tolerate my murder of their language. Reading Portuguese however is relatively easy and I completely understand bossa nova lyrics.

    Perhaps Terrence could explain why the media are reporting why elections today are peaceful without protests.

    A free and fair democratic election that will result in the wishes of the majority of the people, without interference of international interference. Tonight the country will be in celebration as they want change.

    And I admit, there is no guarantee it will result in success, but the current leadership has been a disaster.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree


    I've heard it's quite easy to read Portuguese if you speak Spanish or vice versa, but understanding it spoken is a lot harder. I guess all the romance languages are pretty similar.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 05:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    I have always stated that the secondary source was probably what Sauda had relied on, because this is what he wrote.
    Heres a map of the location, and proof you are a liar.
    Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters ➡︎ Haiti ➡︎ Mourão together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 05:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree


    Oct 28th, 2018 - 06:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    ¡Muito bom! (omeninoterryéummentirosoeumtolo)

    Terrence has always lied that his secondary source was probably what Marxists had lied about, because that is what they mendaciously wrote.
    Here's a map of the location, and proof they are all contemptible liars.
    Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters ➡︎ The disenfranchised populace of voters ➡︎ Lula, Dilma and nearly all the corrupt and incompetent political leadership allowing the outrageous plunder of Brazil's wealth while doing little to address the unacceptable level of rampant crime. ➡︎ Bolsonaro freely and democratically elected President by the majority to lead progressively lead Brazil

    Terrence Hill ➡︎ pitiful ignorant mendacious fool ➡︎ Marxist puppet

    My proof:

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 06:21 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • DemonTree


    Oct 28th, 2018 - 06:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tarquin Fin

    What if Haddad ends up winning today?

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 08:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Tarquinius Fin

    I've been watching the Brazilian TV feed here in Chile and it's a certain victory according to the pollsters.



    Oct 28th, 2018 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tarquin Fin

    Right Chicureo. I was just joking. Got a couple of friends that were asserting this thing about fake news and that the truth was that Haddad was the favourite.

    Looks like our entire region is trying to get rid of the left.

    Oct 28th, 2018 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Tarquin Fin

    Out of curiosity, where do you reside? I'm either in Chicureo (greater Santiago) or in Viña del mar.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 12:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Proof Terry, would be a video showing Bolsonaro saying he intends to be a dictator....”
    The link above shows his dictictorial pronouncements contrary to the Brazilian Constitution and The UN Human Rights.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 12:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tarquin Fin


    2 weeks in Cordoba, 2 weeks in BA. God knows where my next contract will lead me to. Lucky you! Viña is beautiful.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 02:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Tarquin Fin

    I was a career navy office, followed by many years in the reserves. Viña is my second home, but the Chicureo suburb is where my life is. Both areas are beautiful.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    The youtube video you submitted proves exactly the CONTRARY to what you are claiming...which proves you understand F' all of Portuguese. You are pathetic....but for the sake of the others, who do not understand portuguese (and do not claim they do), here goes :
    He talks about forming a new nation (with the people), that the manifestaion in his support on the (Av) Paulista (on the 21st) is priceless; he intends to make a clean-up, in that those who today break the law, either fall into line or can leave ; he wants to construct , along with the new political class, a better future ; he reiterated his intention to avoid purely political indications for Ministries etc ; he said he wants Brazil to regain respect from the int'l community ; he intends to fight corruption ; he saids Lula will not be pardoned and will rot in jail ; he will end unfair privileges ; he'll make sure the institutions are respected, and the military, as well as the police will contribute to making Brazil better ; that the MST's absurd vandalism will be regarded as terrorism - either they respect the law or will go to prison; the press will be free, but has to be responsible ; he will remove all fed govt publicity from the Folha de São Paulo (because they spread fake news); he wants full democracy and peace; the famility unit & children will have to be respected, as well as religious freedom ; he wants distance from all dictators.....SO, absolutely NOTHING about wanting to be a dictator....exactly the CONTRARY. None of his declarations are “dictatorial”...
    THill, once again you are proved a liar and a spreader of fake news...

    Need space to post other stuff, in reply to you.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 08:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “the MST's absurd vandalism will be regarded as terrorism”

    Or in other words, he intends to criminalise a political group and lock them up for a crime they haven't committed.

    “he will remove all fed govt publicity from the Folha de São Paulo”

    He will use taxpayer's money to try and 'persuade' the press to fall in line.

    “the famility unit & children will have to be respected, as well as religious freedom”

    This generally means that if you're gay, your family will NOT be respected, and nor will you be...

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 10:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Now I find myself agreeing with you. Bolsonaro has clearly made himself very disapproving of the “LBGQT” segment of society. I expect he'll be not friendly with their agenda, but I really doubt he's going to persecute them easier. I don't expect him to be very friendly for any liberal cause.

    I also expect he's going to upset a lot of people with Brazil's traditionally foreign relations that will upset a lot of people. Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay will probably be happy. Venezuela, Iran, South Africa, Angola and Cuba probably are not.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 10:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    That's about as comforting as telling Jews the anti-Semite who just got elected probably won't persecute them. A great time for celebration.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Any readers that are so motivated they can listen, or read for the captions in English if they wish. Or they can simply read the print version of So they can judge for themselves at 1m 07s ”..only the cleaning now will be very wider. This class if you want to stay here you will have to put yourselves under the law of all of us. ...(or) go out or go to jail. These red fringes will be banned from our homeland... (3m 41s) Da Silva if you were waiting for Haddad to be ... you go and rot in jail... you will be cleaner never seen in Brazilian history“
    Is a clear threat of censure, contrary to the Brazilian Constitution, and the UN Human Rights.
    ”he intends to make a clean-up, in that those who today break the law, either fall into line or can leave “
    Which is a lie, as anyone can see it is a clear threat to anyone who does not share his political agenda.
    I beg differ many who have reported this do consider it dictatorial, since it doesn't indicate any known breach of law.
    ”THill, once again you are proved a liar and a spreader of fake news...” On the contrary I'm exonerated and it is you who is clearly revealed for what you are.

    Oct 29th, 2018 - 11:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Just to be clear, Bolsonaro is not a anti-Semite, but he definitely is intolerant to the LBGTQ community.

    Terrence Hill

    Please provide evidence why you think Bolsonaro won't send an international hit squad to hunt you down in Canada. I think he's going to find you, better run.

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo aka “the prize troll”
    Aha! I see you are up to your usual fine form.
    “It is better to be silent and thought to be ignorant then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.” R. G. Risch
    “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” Napoleon Bonaparte

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 01:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Terrence Hill ➡︎ pitiful ignorant mendacious fool ➡︎ Marxist puppet

    My proof:

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 01:49 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo aka “the prize troll”
    That insult's older than your Mom's last orgasm
    “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”― Oscar Wilde
    I don't know what makes you so dumb but it really works.
    Grasp your ears firmly and pull; you might just be able to remove your head from your ass.
    You have delusions of adequacy. (Walter Kerr)
    “The worst, however is the damage to democracy. The coup created a State of Exception which, among other things, imprisoned former President Lula based on a fake conviction, without any concrete proof.
    The “judgment” was only made to remove him from the elections. According to all polls, Lula was the clear favorite and would have beaten Bolsonaro by a wide margin if he had been allowed to run. It is important to note that the UN Human Rights Committee ruled, two times, that Lula had the right to run for office. However the coup government simply ignored the legally binding UN ruling.”

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 03:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “…he intends to criminalize a political group ‘n lock them up for a crime they haven't committed”, you ARE naïve at times. When MST started (as a social movement) it was a nuisance (everything had to be their way) but the cause was justified. Later, funded by the PT, they became the PT’s ‘violent’ arm (leaving their farming aspirations in the past), so while they are ‘used politically’ by the PT – to threaten, to destroy productive farms etc, causing millions in damage - they are NOT a ‘political’ movement. The place for politics is in Congress, not in rural areas (‘n at times in urban areas too) destroying other people’s livelihood. Up to now they have never been held’s abt time they were…no one has held a gun to their head ‘n forced them to act like criminals. The left just makes excuses for their crimes.
    “He will use taxpayer's money to try ‘n 'persuade' the press to fall in line”…taxpayer’s money ? Don’t ALL govts use it ? why fund a leftie paper to spread fake news ‘n criticize for the sake of criticizing ?
    ”This generally means that if you're gay…(??)” you are definitely going overboard, ‘n YOU are saying he won’t respect gays…sorry but it’s bs. He may not like the LGBT crowd, but his govt WILL tolerate, AND respect them…(like any other respectful, law-abiding citizen …so, where’s the problem?) Despite old videos in which he criticizes them, as a citizen it was his right to, but 1) he never acted against them, 2) as president he will respect their constitutional rights…altho I’m sure the left will try to twist any incident to make it look like he doesn’t. Just wait ‘n see… the left here has always been very critical of conservatives (or what they label “the right”), but that’s OK I suppose…isn’t it ?

    ‘dictatorial’? poor wee Terry...but it's of no importance. Your Portuguese is WORSE than lousy…but I suppose you can’t be an expert in everything, can you, Numb Nuts?

    “..your mom’s last orgasm” ? very rude of you Terry.

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “..your mom’s last orgasm” ? very rude of you Terry.
    I just pay in kind, so you slander me you can expect a pay back.
    “to spread fake news”you make these sweeping unsupported accusations if that was true then a writ would have been issued to prevent them from making such a claim. But it wasn't, and it won't, therefore it's untrue.
    “he never acted against them” He has threatened to assault them, which is a violation of the criminal code.
    “dictatorial” so you're unable to refute anything from my last post, so your left speculating about an off-topic issue.

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 07:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    If he just said he will ensure they are prosecuted when they break the law, that would be one thing. But terrorism? Remember how the UN were worried Brazil's terrorism law was too broad, and could be used against ordinary criminals, and you said they were being ridiculous? Are you still so confident?

    “why fund a leftie paper to spread fake news ‘n criticize for the sake of criticizing ?”

    And who should decide what is fake news? Not any President, that's for sure; they'd ban anyone from speaking ill of them. This is not a good sign.

    “his govt WILL tolerate, AND respect them”

    We'll see, but what else do you think those words mean?

    “the left here has always been very critical of conservatives”

    Unsurprising. Did they withdraw funding from conservative news outlets or promise to put members of conservative organisations in jail?

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    It's Bolsonaro's way of expressing himself....being prosecuted under anti-terror laws, or as a criminal who goes around destroying public 'n private property, after being tried - and if convicted - the sentence is the same...prison. “Gitmo” is on the island of Cuba, not in BZL. Stop fretting over nothing.

    And as to the Bzln A-T law being too broad, that's the UN's criticism, but Bolsonaro has been pretty specific...MST, destroying property under the political instigation of the far-left. I am confident, because B, even as prez, does not have the authority to make exceptions. Sounds like you defend the MST, as if what they do is OK and not worthy of punishment ...why ? If they want to test him, it's their funeral.

    “Who should decide what is fake news” ??? the government agency in charge of hiring media.....It's like your asking me “who should decide what laws to pass” ? for better or for worse, “Congress”. Or did you think that B would get involved personally ?? you still don't seem to ustand that the Prez, alone, can do nothing.

    “We'll see, but what else do you think those words mean?” NOTHING else...why should they ? why are YOU so sure the law will NOT be upheld ? why always go to the xtreme of presuming the worst, like he'll persecute gays like Hitler did the Jews ? Your pessimism and tendency to 'presume' the worst, is quite astounding.

    “Unsurprising. Did they withdraw funding from conservative news outlets”.....wake up.... there is no conservative news outlet funded by taxpayer money ....all the big media groups, which transmit govt publicity/propaganda, are left-of-centre...but the PT administration funded private bloggers (all 'petistas', to post fake news and lies, to favor Dilma) with taxpayer money....Bolsonaro has been very clear : a free-press, which I hope, knows how to use that right responsibly. Is that asking too much ?

    BTW, Lula tried several times to gag the press....but that your left-wing sources don't publish, do they ?

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 08:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “being prosecuted under anti-terror laws, or as a criminal who goes around destroying public 'n private property”

    Oh come on, you know those are very different crimes, with very different sentences. If they have been getting away with breaking the law, then sure, prosecute them, but prosecute them for what they've done, not some much worse crime.

    Besides, I seem to recall you telling me that terrorists were very different to normal criminals, and you didn't think they should be treated the same. If you want the punishment for terrorism to be especially serious, then you need to reserve it for real terrorists, no?

    ““Who should decide what is fake news” ??? the government agency in charge of hiring media”

    You have an agency for that? But I don't think Congress should be in charge of deciding what news is fake. Part of the reason for a free press is to help citizens hold Congress to account, and how can they, if Congress can censor the press by declaring news fake? Mensalão and lava jato; all fake news?

    Anyway, I don't know what the President can do alone and what requires Congress's support - I'm only going off what you reported in the speech. And I have no idea what 'left-wing sources' said about Lula, because I had no interest in Brazil back then, and little enough in politics. I have seen articles critical of CFK's treatment of the press, but that was far more recent. You showed me one thing Lula did: threaten to throw out a foreign journalist who criticised him. What else did he do that made you worry?

    “NOTHING else...why should they ?”

    I presume those words mean something? And I'll say it again, I don't think B will turn into Hitler. But he can still do harm in lesser ways, Brazil is a pretty conservative society and most people aren't going to care about the rights of minorities if the government doesn't bother enforcing them.

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Oh c'mon' ?? ”..but prosecute them for what they've done...”...NO not what they've 'done', but for what they will....of the 8 Brazilians accused of planning an attack at the Rio Olympics (2016) 'n having connections to the Islamic State, the leader was condemned to 15 yrs, the other 7, fm 5 to 6 yrs....not particularly draconian, considering harsher sentences applied to hardcore criminals, or murderers....don't get so upset....and all this happened while who was president ? Dilma ! What I think abt punishment for terrorists 'n ordinary criminals has no bearing on the A-T laws ....the MST criminals might get 5 years, at most...provided no deaths.
    There IS a govt agency that look after the media contracts etc...suppose they will direct the contracts to whom they consider serious. It is not Congress's job to decide that ....where d'you get this ?? If Congress feels it's being slandered, (in fact, or via fake news), it can press charges against the offending party...BUT, they don't decide anything - the judiciary does.
    DT, there's a lot you don't know about how the presidency 'n Congress work here, and how they interact, but you come up with some of the weirdest, improbable ideas....
    The left-wing media always downplayed Lula's faults 'n emphasized what was usually favored him. When independent journalists, who were not lefties, published something about him/the PT he didn't like (usually true) he wanted to shut them up...he ranted 'n raved but could do nothing ...except sue them.
    He tried to introduce measures to censure the press (as Haddad, who had plans to “regulate” the media ...whatever that means). Several times he presented projects to Congress to 'control' the press...Congress wouldn't have it. But if someone overstepped the mark, they could be prosecuted.

    I'll say it again : Congress is NOT going to pass laws discriminating minorities...the law will apply equally to all. You're looking for hair on eggs. Give it up

    Oct 30th, 2018 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “you come up with some of the weirdest, improbable ideas”

    Huh? You're the one who said Bolsonaro was going to remove all government publicity from the FdSP for - according to him - spreading fake news. And you said, or I thought you did, that Congress should decide what news is fake. None of that was my idea.

    And you said B would treat the MST's vandalism as terrorism, which is ridiculous. It would be like saying you're going to prosecute pickpockets for murder. Sure vandalism is bad, but terrorism is way worse.

    As for Lula, do you remember anything specific, so I can google and find out what he proposed to do? At least if Congress stopped him, they might stop any other president who tried the same thing.

    RE 'minorities', I didn't say they would pass any laws. But we'll have to wait and see.

    Oct 31st, 2018 - 12:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Yes, I recnfm Bolsonaro said he would put Folha de SP in the's his right to not want to give money to an outlet tt spreads fake news about him...or not ? he will not be censuring them, they can carry on with their biased news, or even fake, but be prepared to be prosecuted. Do not recall having said Congress would decide what news is true 'n what is fake....has nothing to do with Congress, unless one of it's members feels he/she's been slandered, in which case, can prosecute ...and also lose.

    If someone (like MST) invades your property, destroys it, kills live stock, ties up yr family, rapes yr daughter, burns your house down to the ground, threatens to kill people (and on occasion they have), fight the police when they turn up to remove them, how do YOU think they should be treated ? given a rap on the knuckles and a “please don't do that again” ? Get real....get off the wall.
    10 yrs (if that) in prison (the 8 accused of terror/links to IS, got an average of 7 yrs) is peanuts....since the govt never acted firmly against them - some justified it by saying there wasn't a specific law under which they could be incriminated for these savage acts (for Christ's sake, what do they need to do to be punished ??) - reason why no one was ever arrested 'n jailed (the movement was amorphous, not registered as an organized group, no leaders ever caught red-handed - always calling the shots from behind), finally someone has to have the balls to punish these guys. Give the law whatever name you want, but the fact is whether ordinary law, on an A-T law, the sentences are much the same. Maybe, if terrorist attacks, as the US/EU know them, happen here, perhaps they'll put them away for life. But I'd really like to know - and forget the name of the law - how would you treat the MST for its 100s of crimes ?

    Google “PT defende em resolução censura à imprensa, e Rui Falcão convida ...”...plenty on Lula's attempts to censure.

    Yes, we'll have to wait 'n see

    Oct 31st, 2018 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “Yes, I recnfm Bolsonaro said he would put Folha de SP in the freezer”

    See, it was his weird idea, not mine. Does he have the power to do it, though?

    ”If someone (like MST) invades your property, destroys it...”

    I think anyone who does those things should be in jail, and since those are all crimes already - some very serious - why aren't they?

    Saying there's no law is clearly bullshit - arson, destroying property, rape and murder must be illegal in Brazil. If they can lock up Lula, why can't they lock up ordinary criminals?

    And I never said they should get a rap on the knuckles, so don't put words in my mouth. I said they should be punished according to the crimes they've committed, eg for arson if they commit arson, etc. Whats the problem with that?

    Interesting article on press freedom. The author is clearly very anti-PT, but some of the things described sound fine, and others worrying. I thought it strange that Azevedo was so angry at the idea of limiting advertising to children - presumably he doesn't have kids at home demanding all the expensive toys and junk food they see on television. On the other hand, giving popular councils power over TV and radio companies sounds like a good way to control them.

    Oct 31st, 2018 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    According to the Al-Jazeera OPINION:

    REF: Imagining a Bolsonaro Brazil

    “While Bolsonaro has offered no concrete political and economic plans for Brazil, I cannot but fear for our future”“

    Could it be a ”Fake-News“?

    Although ”Far-Right“ it is supposed to be ”social“ & ”liberal”:

    Nov 01st, 2018 - 10:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Slight misunderstanding...when I mentioned 'weirdest ideas' was referring to yr “You have an agency for that? But I don't think Congress should be in charge of deciding what news is fake.... if Congress can censor the press by declaring news fake? Mensalão and lava jato; all fake news?”
    The Secretariat for Social Communications, probably within the Communications Ministry, or directly linked to the presidency, decides who gets the propaganda/institutional publicity contracts...simple govt policy, as in any government.

    Re MST, ”some very serious (crimes) - why aren't they (in jail) ?“ Good question. OK, the MST is an amorphous group of outlaws, with no ”legally recognized“ leadership, so the official excuse was 'who do we blame' ? Everyone knows who the leaders are, but who was in power from 2003 to 2016 ? who funded them with taxpayer money ? at whose beck 'n call was the MST's 'red army' ?...criminalizing them 'n holding them responsible for their crimes would have gone against the PT's interests ....didn't Lula threaten to put them in the street to raise hell if he were jailed, in order to try to intimidate the authorities ? PT and the MST are partners. Now ask me why they aren't in jail...but they will be, if they carry-on...
    And I did not put words in yr mouth....merely suggested ”rap on the knuckles“ as a counterpoint to your apparent reluctance to see the MST for what it is.

    ”On the other hand, giving popular councils power over TV and radio companies sounds like a good way to control them.“
    Disagree...”popular“ councils the ”power“ over the media ??? terrible idea. That is the kind of shit that communists did in the USSR....plant spies amongst normal citizens to weed out dissent. IF, any such popular group, spontaneously formed, has any grievances against the media, they should go thru the correct channels, ie, the mayor's office, State Legislatures, Congress....but to give that kind of power to ”popular” councils not a good idea...imo.

    Nov 01st, 2018 - 06:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Okay, I think I understand now. You weren't saying Congress should decide on fake news, but that this ministry was in charge of handing out gvt publicity contracts, so they would be the ones deciding? And if it's under control of a ministry, then that means B can do what he promised?

    What I was saying was that Congress should not have the power to decide what news is fake, and particularly not to ban the 'fake news', because they would surely abuse it. But it sounds like that wasn't what you were proposing at all.

    And re the citizens' councils, I see I phrased that badly. I meant good as in effective, not beneficial. In theory there is nothing wrong with the idea, but because in practice the councils would likely be dominated by social movements related to the PT, it would give the (then) government power over the press, which is what I find worrying.

    As for the MST, were the ordinary members who committed the crimes jailed, even if not the leaders? I suppose with a big amorphous group, it's hard to prove any link between the leadership and groups of members. And I never said they should get a rap on the knuckles or similar. If punishments are too light for some crimes in Brazil, it's nothing to do with me.

    Nov 01st, 2018 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    So you've discovered that you're not the first, or even an original claimant, that tried to rely on an argument of absurdity.
    Just because you don't like it, doesn't validate your argument. Since conclusions are not determined on the basis of your ignorance.
    “Argumentation theory, or argumentation, is the interdisciplinary study of how conclusions can be reached through logical reasoning;”
    Remember “If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.”

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 01:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    @Soma's serial killer
    You just can't stand being proved wrong, can you? Pathetic.

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    ”And if under control of a ministry, means..” Presumably, to the xtent a prez is able to influence advisors ‘n those under him…after all, shouldn’t prez /ministries pull in the same direction ? Rcnfrmng, deciding what is, or not, fake news, is not Congress' responsibility.

    The ‘popular council’ concept was indeed a PT idea (Haddad, as mayor), so if the county council didn't approve his projects, the ‘popular council’ (made up of petistas) could overturn their vote…in other words, ‘whatever’ he proposed, had to pass. Really democratic, eh ? That’s what the PT does, sells an idea as something ‘innocent’, with no ulterior motive, while deep down it increases their power.

    Afaik, no MST members were ever brought to justice, except one leader, who is still free : José Rainha (petista). In 1997 stood trial, accused of two murders committed in 1989. Condemned to 26 years in prison, asked for a retrial (because sentence was over 20 yrs)…don’t know what happened; anyway, 9 years later, in 2006 ‘n free, he was convicted again for illegal possession of a firearm. Again, don’t think he was jailed. Finally, in 2015, he was tried/convicted to 31 years in prison, for extortion (negotiating the non-destruction of plantations, for money), fraud, stealing (deviating funds from the INCRA (Nat’l Institute for Agrarian Reform) destined to the few who had settled on the land they had received (also, seen as traitors to the movement by settling down), but afaik, he is free, appealing. He “lead” (instigated) the invasion/occupation of over 100 farms, in 12 States…his objective, as those of current leaders, is not to help the ‘landless’, but to manipulate them in order to have an easy life. Under the PT, he remained free. I know you didn’t say they should just get a rap on the knuckles – I did, only to point out how ridiculously ineffective the law was…know it’s nothing to do with you, but presumably you now agree these guys are criminals. And the 100s of millions in damages ?

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I've been trying to research the MST to find examples of what you described, it's not going well. I easily found news about Rainha , and it mentioned his assistant was also convicted. He seems like a right piece of work, extorting 'contributions' from farms and businesses with threats of occupying and burning them and then keeping the money for himself, and even charging the poor members of his own movement for food baskets that were supposed to be handed out free.

    But apart from that I didn't have much luck. First article I found was about some conman selling (I think) fake educational courses to MST members, hardly the sort of thing you were talking about:

    Other articles were from 18 and 20 years ago, so not too relevant. Finally I found something like what you were talking about:

    Though I'm not sure if it was the MST or not, the headline says it was, but in the middle of the article it seems to be saying it was a local group: moradores da Comunidade Ribeirinha do Rio Arrojado.

    If the MST is doing that kind of thing, then yes, at least some of them are criminals.

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 10:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    You just can't stand your smart-assed opinions proved wrong, As always facts bury unqualified guesses. Ooh thats got to hurt that great big ego of yours.
    Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!
    “The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it.” Howe, Edgar Watson
    Well I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong
    Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts. E. B. White

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 10:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” ― Oscar Wilde

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    Your so desperate and so lacking that you're reduced to using the very quotes that I have previously used.
    Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something. - Plato

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    'folhade londrina' link refers to one MST member screwing others. The other link is also about a local MST group from Correntina…arrived in trucks , buses, started destroying a power station, pumps, motors, irrigation system…R$ 60 million in damages…no one arrested.

    Re “Opinion polls”
    “What’s so ridiculous in thinking…..”? nothing, but who aspires to be prez needs to be realistic. Here we had 13 candidates : 8 hadn’t the slightest chance, but it didn’t stop them…had to be under the spotlight. But you referred specifically to B, as he’d been secretly planning this for 20 yrs…unfounded speculation. He wasn’t “waiting for more popular support”…he only considered running after Dilma was re-elected, believed it was time to end the left’s destructive policies. More, perhaps 2 out of 35 parties could be considered center-right, so the notion they could sway people was pretty remote - until the PT did them the favor of screwing Brazil ‘n making people open their eyes…if you’d been here for the last 5 years, you’d have seen the pendulum swing to the right, as people started seeing thru the PT. Bolsonaro’s proposals, mainly anti-corruption ‘n returning to more conservative social values, attracted people. Can’t tell you how many Congressmen were ‘right-wing’ w/o researching one-by-one, but I’d say they were a minority - now, ‘if’ one can believe their outward convictions, that has changed…a lot of the ‘old school’ politicians (corrupt ‘n radicals) weren’t re-elected. Social function : probably how you described it….but Haddad even scared people who owned houses for rental purposes ; he talked a lot about expropriating many empty downtown buildings (some due to the crisis), turn them into ‘popular housing’…virtual terrorism as did nothing. That’s how the MTST appeared, and explored the poor (G.Boulos, the building that burned down few months ago). “Surely it can't be legal to do that only in areas that didn't vote for him? Is that why it failed to pass?”…yes.

    Nov 02nd, 2018 - 11:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I thought it was interesting that the conman was 'selling' education courses. Obviously at least some of the ordinary members of the movement want to educate themselves and improve their prospects, while the leaders are busy charging them for things that should be free and pocketing the donations (and 'donations').

    “as he’d been secretly planning this for 20 yrs”

    That wasn't what I meant at all. Rather that he wouldn't think seriously of running until he saw that he had a change, which happened this time when the corruption scandals and recession made the PT and the centrist parties unpopular. What would really be ridiculous, is believing that people have wanted for 20 years to elect a right-wing president, but no politician with those views would oblige them by standing for election.

    Re the G Boulos building, why was it standing empty (until taken over by squatters)? It's another example of wasted space in a city where people struggle to find housing. I do think the government should charge higher taxes on empty buildings in areas with a shortage of space, and in the UK on second homes, too.

    “Is that why it failed to pass?”…yes.”

    That's good then, at least the councillors(?) were doing their jobs.

    @Serial Killer
    Are you so dumb you think you have a copyright on another person's words? The only way that quote isn't a perfect description of you and your derivative, repetitive posts is that you're so laughably far from even achieving mediocrity.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 12:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    No that why 'quotes' was used to to describe your utter lack of originality.
    “you're so laughably far from even achieving mediocrity.” Ah! the same old tired losers lament.
    Well its more than sufficient to flatten you, so you are still a distant last.
    Are you always an idiot or just when I'm around?
    I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
    You can compress the most words into the smallest idea of anyone I know

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 12:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “...interesting that the conman was 'selling' education courses...”...yeah, courses that were paid for but never given.

    Why d'you think that Bolsonaro was “waiting for the right time” ? He had probably never even thought about it (given the little visibility of the 'rightist' parties), but after seeing that people were getting fed up with the PT and the left in general....marked by the protests against Dilma just after she was re-elected, he woke up to the possibility he might have a chance.

    The MTST leadership has people on the move, looking for empty office buildings in the downtown area, buildings that may have been empty for some time due to lack of tennants (partially the crisis 'n more because of people moving out of town to more modern installations), but were totally inadequate for living in....the MTST (Boulos) would then contact future squatters and organize the invasions during the wee hours of the morning....each squatter (or familiy) would then pay anything from R$ 200 to R$ 400/month to live in spaces no bigger than 20 sq mts, separated by boards and sheets, no sanitary facilities, and with zero maintenance. After the fire, many survivors testified that the MTST leaders lied when they claimed the money they collected was spent on proven by the short circuit which caused the fire. Some of the leaders even denied the squatters were charged anything, yet none of them had jobs, all lived in good houses, and drove cars of the year...
    These invasions had been going on for 10 years or more, but increased under Haddad's administration, due to his promises (to reform the buildings) which were not kept....people would invade in the hope of 'securing' their future space...

    “Is that why it failed to pass?”…yes.”......the councillors only did their jobs and rejected it, due to public outrage....they usually only do the right thing when there is external pressure.

    TH's arguments are becoming crazier by the day...nothing makes sense.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 04:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “nothing makes sense.” Particularly your unproven narratives, which will remain so for a very good reason.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 04:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “These invasions had been going on for 10 years or more”:

    I thought that every one [of course not everyone] knew about this.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 12:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Yes Terry. I don't argue with idiots.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 05:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “I don't argue with idiots.” Maybe you should start because you're not doing to well up to now.
    “Bolsonaro, who has five children, has said that his only daughter was born due to his wife’s “weakness.””
    What a moron he doesn't even understand that it's the sperm that's the decisive element in the determination of a child's sex.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I don't know if B was waiting or not, but my original point was that the right just weren't that popular until today. No doubt with the corruption scandals and poor economy, people are ready to try something else now.

    Re the MTST, I think it's pretty shitty that people died after they took money for maintenance and didn't do it. Obviously the building, being abandoned, wasn't safe. But if people are willing to pay to live in such bad conditions there must really be nothing better available. Was that Haddad's plan, to force the owners to sell abandoned buildings to the city government, and then turn them into flats? That actually seems like a decent idea.

    Re originality, I suggest you remove the Burj Khalifa from your own eye before looking for the splinter in mine. Can you find a single post of yours on here that isn't just a quote of someone else's ideas? Even your insults aren't your own, it's pathetic.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “I suggest you” win an issue or two. There usually isn't much interest in what 'losers' have to say about winning.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Oh Terry, now you are an expert in sexual reproduction. One more PhD, this time in sex. The only idiot I've argued with is you, and I fully realize you're a waste of time. But ok, although I'm no expert, I'll try to educate you...what determines a child's sex is the combination of the parent's chromosomes.....

    Btw, idiot, in a previous post , you mentioned some sh*t about “fake news was not the parlance 10 years ago”. So what ? any difference between fake news, 'false' news, half-truths, or lies ?(I mean, YOU should know)....none whatsoever, just a matter of semantics.

    “ original point was that the right just weren't that popular until today”.
    The 'right' was inexpressive , 33 parties against 2, but the fact is that while the PT & allies hadn't f*cked things up, the majority was not convinced it needed a change...but as you rightly say, after all the PT sponsored corruption and incompetence, people woke up. Not all unfortunately...TH is a good example.

    The mayor's office and other municipal depts (after Haddad left), approached the squatters (in all buildings) several times last year, to check living conditions, and especially electrical installations, but they were met with hostility and MTST “security”...“you can only go in IF so 'n so authorizes it” nothing was done.
    In several of the occupied buildings, which the police managed to get into to evacuate, they uncovered drug trafficking....another MTST leadership activity.
    Sure, the idea is good, but it wasn't Haddad's.. it had been a campaign promise of various mayors', but never really got off the ground. Squatters would invade, police would kick them out...until Haddad discouraged police action, promising he'd come up with a solution.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 10:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “I suggest you” win an issue or two. There usually isn't much interest in what 'losers' have to say about winning.

    Nov 03rd, 2018 - 10:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “they were met with hostility and MTST “security””

    I suppose the residents were suspicious and thought they might be evicted, which is unfortunate if the mayor's office really did just want to check the building's safety. And if the MTST leadership is really involved in drug trafficking, they had their own reasons to keep the authorities out.

    “it had been a campaign promise of various mayors', but never really got off the ground.”

    This seems to be a theme; the various mayors also promised to get get rid of Cracolandia, but none of them succeeded. Why is it so hard to really change things in Brazil?

    I thought not.

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 11:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “the various mayors also promised to get get rid of Cracolandia, but none of them succeeded”:

    Which mayor of a right mind would like to forgo is income?

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I don't get it. Who's Renan?

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 12:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill


    Nov 04th, 2018 - 02:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: RENAN [fanous/infamous]:

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 03:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “what determines a child's sex ...I'm no expert, I'll try to educate you...what determines a child's sex is the combination of the parent's chromosomes..”
    ”In the XY sex-determination system, the female-provided ovum contributes an X chromosome and the male-provided sperm contributes either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, resulting in female (XX) or male (XY) offspring, respectively. Hormone levels in the male parent affect the sex ratio of sperm in humans.“
    XY sex-determination system - Wikipedia
    ”now you are an expert in sexual reproduction.” Not at all I just didn't assume in this day and age that there are so many ignorant people, thanks for confirmation that there are. So Bonehead contributed a girly sperm in a moment of “weakness.”

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “WRONG” (?)...and then you confirm what I said, 'n what most educated people already know. Really impressed.

    Renan (Calheiros), PMDB-AL, corrupt ex-president of the Senate, managed to get re-elected 'n has ambitions to regain the position.

    “...suppose the residents were suspicious...” Unlikely. No police accompanied the engineers 'n social assistants....but the squatters were also instructed to keep quiet or be kicked out. In a once very posh downtown (occupied) cinema, when the police went in (eventually authorized) to clear out the invaders, they found a stock of drugs and some guns. Of course no one knew anything about it.

    Re Cracolandia, a few months ago I explained why there is no progress....João Doria, elected mayor end 2016 (resigned April 2018 to run for Governor - and won), implemented a program to get rid of Cracolandia. By then, one or two blocks had long been, literally taken over by the drug gangs, with armed security (assault rifles and pistols). It was similar to an open-air market, with the dozens of armed dealers with precision scales to weigh the drugs. Police helicopters got this on film / showed it on the news. The criminals then put up canvas awnings to block their view....just shows how confident they were in defying the police, which virtually had its hands tied. The Municipal legislature 'finally' approved tougher measures, whereby the the police were authorized to enter and take the addicts to nearby treatment facilities, where they'd be given a meal, a place to shower and sleep...don't recall any shooting when the police went in, but many addicts after helping themselves to a meal etc, refused to talk to the social assistants and went back to the streets, for more drugs. The fact the police got involved, made several NGO's and Bar Associations criticize their actions and, in effect killed the program. So Cracolandia just carries on....thanks to a few idiots who just get in the way, and contribute nothing.

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 05:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    TH “What a moron he doesn't even understand that it's the sperm that's the decisive element in the determination of a child's sex.
    JB ”Oh Terry, now you are an expert in sexual reproduction....what determines a child's sex is...then you confirm what I said“
    No you didn't say what I said, you argued that I was wrong.
    Specifically, ”male-provided sperm contributes either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, resulting in female (XX) or male (XY) offspring,“
    ”You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance.” Edward Flaherty

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Why do you have this fixation with sperm ? is it because you lick it up all the time ?
    Anyway, I decided to find out why you brought the subject up...

    Your ”What a moron (referring to Bolsonaro), he doesn't even understand that it's the sperm that's the decisive element in the determination of a child's sex“ & ”his only daughter was born due to his wife’s 'weakness' ”.

    Well, once again you have shown you understand f*ck all of Portuguese....What Bolsonaro said (jokingly) :
    “Eu tenho cinco filhos. Foram quatro homens, aí no quinto eu dei uma 'fraquejada' e veio uma mulher”....
    Translation :“I have five children. Four are men, then on the fifth I 'had a weak moment' and a girl came”....Absolutely NOTHING to do with what you understood as “his wife's 'weakness' ”...moron.

    Don't you ever get tired of being an idiot ?...I thought that perhaps after totally misunderstanding General Heleno's words of support to Mourão, you would've learned something.....obviously you are too stupid to learn from your mistakes...

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 09:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    EVER wonder who is going to foot the bill?

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 10:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    It really baffles me why people reelect these corrupt politicians. Why isn't Renan in jail if he's been taking bribes?

    “It was similar to an open-air market, with the dozens of armed dealers with precision scales to weigh the drugs. Police helicopters got this on film / showed it on the news. The criminals then put up canvas awnings to block their view”

    Lol. They do say SP is the business centre of Brazil. ;) Perhaps the best solution would be to set aside an area out of town for the drug market, and then use the police to kick them from the centre? If they had somewhere else to go, they might not come straight back. It's a shame the addicts don't want help, but I've always heard drug treatment is hopeless unless the patient really wants to succeed.

    RE Terry, I suppose he will now find someone else to blame for his misunderstanding. It's still a pretty stupid statement, though. I wonder what B's daughter thinks?

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Bolsonaro, who has five children, has said that his only daughter was born due to his wife’s “weakness.”
    ”What Bolsonaro said (jokingly)“ Plus two more jokingly made comments, very unlikely, this is what he feels since he can't really think.
    ”He has said that women should be paid lower salaries because they get pregnant, and should stop “whining” about femicide.”

    Nov 04th, 2018 - 11:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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