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Furious reactions, political and in the streets to the suspension of Parliament

Thursday, August 29th 2019 - 10:00 UTC
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Though Johnson previously had refused to rule out such a move, the timing of the decision took lawmakers — many of whom are on vacation — by surprise. Though Johnson previously had refused to rule out such a move, the timing of the decision took lawmakers — many of whom are on vacation — by surprise.
“Shutting down Parliament would be an offense against the democratic process and the rights of parliamentarians as the people’s elected representatives,” Bercow said “Shutting down Parliament would be an offense against the democratic process and the rights of parliamentarians as the people’s elected representatives,” Bercow said
Labour leader Corbyn wrote to the Queen to protest “in the strongest possible terms on behalf of my party and I believe all the other opposition parties” Labour leader Corbyn wrote to the Queen to protest “in the strongest possible terms on behalf of my party and I believe all the other opposition parties”
Scott Lucas, professor of politics at the University of Birmingham, said Johnson’s move touched off the biggest crisis since the abdication of King Edward VIII Scott Lucas, professor of politics at the University of Birmingham, said Johnson’s move touched off the biggest crisis since the abdication of King Edward VIII

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson manoeuvred on Wednesday to give his political opponents even less time to block a chaotic no-deal Brexit before the Oct. 31 withdrawal deadline, winning Queen Elizabeth II’s approval to suspend Parliament, but his critics were outraged.

Though Johnson previously had refused to rule out such a move, the timing of the decision took lawmakers — many of whom are on vacation — by surprise.

Johnson insisted he was taking the step so he could outline his domestic agenda, and he shot down the notion that he was curbing debate, saying there would be “ample time” to discuss Brexit and other issues.

Lawmakers reacted with fury, including John Bercow, speaker of the lower House of Commons, who was not told in advance of Johnson’s plan.

“Shutting down Parliament would be an offense against the democratic process and the rights of parliamentarians as the people’s elected representatives,” Bercow said. “Surely at this early stage in his premiership, the prime minister should be seeking to establish rather than undermine his democratic credentials and indeed his commitment to Parliamentary democracy.”

The main opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn wrote to the queen to protest “in the strongest possible terms on behalf of my party and I believe all the other opposition parties are going to join in with this.”

The monarch, however, kept with her steadfast refusal to get involved in politics.

The House of Commons will convene from Sept. 3-10 and then was scheduled to go on a break until Oct. 9 — though lawmakers had suggested they might cancel that break and stay in session because of the Brexit crisis.

Johnson said he decided to ask the queen to give her speech that outlines the government’s legislative agenda on Oct. 14, and she approved suspending Parliament for a total of 32 days between Sept. 12 and Oct. 14. That makes it unlikely the lawmakers would have enough time to pass laws blocking the U.K.’s withdrawal from the European Union without a negotiated divorce deal by Oct. 31.

“This is completely normal procedure,” House of Commons leader Jacob Rees-Mogg told Sky News.

But shadow chancellor John McDonnell tweeted: “Make no mistake, this is a very British coup.”

“Whatever one’s views on Brexit, once you allow a Prime Minister to prevent the full and free operation of our democratic institutions you are on a very precarious path,” he said.

Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s chief Brexit official, called Johnson’s move “sinister.”

“As a fellow parliamentarian, my solidarity with those fighting for their voices to be heard,” he tweeted. “Suppressing debate on profound choices is unlikely to help deliver a stable future EU-UK relationship.”

The pound plunged on the news, down to $1.2196 from almost $1.2300 the previous day.

Hundreds of people packed College Green outside Parliament, waving EU flags and placards to express their anger, while 25 bishops from the Church of England released an open letter about their worries about the “economic shocks” of a no-deal Brexit on the poor and other vulnerable people.

A petition on a government website demanding that Parliament not be suspended has gotten more than 100,000 signatures — guaranteeing that it will be considered for debate.

Lawmakers already are asking a Scottish court to rule that suspending Parliament is illegal. If that fails, pro-EU legislators are also planning to try to pass a law banning a no-deal Brexit, although the government has now sharply limited their time to do that.

Another option is to bring down the government with a no-confidence vote. That would spark a 14-day period in which Johnson could try to overturn the result. If he failed, there would be a general election — but the government believes it would not have to be held until after the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline.

During that key 14 days after a no-confidence vote, another lawmaker could try to win Parliament’s backing in a vote. If they succeeded, Johnson should, in theory, have to step down and let the winner form a government.

But these rules were introduced in a 2011 law and have never been tested, leaving plenty of room for argument.

Scott Lucas, a professor of international politics at the University of Birmingham, said Johnson’s maneuver touched off the biggest crisis since the abdication of King Edward VIII to marry the divorced American socialite, Wallis Simpson.

“This is biggest constitutional crisis since the 1930s,” Lucas said. “Even World War II didn’t present a constitutional crisis because the coalition government and Parliament agreed the rules of the game.”

It’s also a potential economic crisis because of the projected drop in GDP, he added.

Johnson did earn support from one big backer: U.S. President Donald Trump. Just days after the two met at the G-7 summit, Trump reaffirmed his support by tweeting that the prime minister “is exactly what the U.K. has been looking for, & will prove to be ‘a great one!!”

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • Armando

    The question is why is this piece appearing in Mercopenguin, a British government propaganda organ supposedly devoted to America, South America and the “South Atlantic”?

    Sep 03rd, 2019 - 10:24 pm 0
  • Deadly Dave

    The question is why is this piece appearing in Mercopenguin, a British government propaganda organ supposedly devoted to America, South America and the “South Atlantic”?

    Sep 07th, 2019 - 03:24 am 0
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