Brazil's Federal National Consumer Secretariat ( ) has suspended 180 companies for their molesting telemarketing practices harassing would-be consumers unrestrictedly, it was reported Monday.
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo Terrones' approval ratings fell yet again, according to an Ipsos survey released Sunday by the Lima newspaper El Comercio. Meanwhile, 79% of Peruvians also disapproved of the management of Congress, the study showed.
Foreign Analysts do not see a bright future ahead for Argentina's economy. While some place it among the countries most likely to default its debt, others fear it might not survive a new adjustment to the basic interest rates by the United States.
Farmers in the Netherlands are revolting over the government's plan to drastically reduce nitrogen emissions by 2030 and is pointing to agriculture and farmers as the worst offenders. But farmers have taken to the streets, blocking roads, and distribution centers, and there has been some serious incidents, including police opening fire on protestors,
After the US dollar in Chile broke the milestone exchange rate of a thousand Pesos in June, the Central Bank reacted by announcing it will literally flood the market with 25bn dollars, of which 10bn to be supplied to the spot market, another 10bn covering future dollar operations, and 5bn in swap deals.
Argentina on Sunday celebrated the Day of Argentina's Sea interests, instated in Law 25,860 in honor of Admiral Segundo Storni, who is considered the great sponsor of a national debate on sea issues and seafaring activities, focused as a State policy.
Businessmen in inflation-torn Brazil are eyeing Paraguay's stabler economy as a suitable destination for future investments, it was reported Sunday in Asunción.
Ambassadors from Chile and Nicaragua in Argentina visited the province of Tierra del Fuego where they were awarded medals commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas Feat, and were congratulated for their respective governments' unrelenting support to the Malvinas Cause.
Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) has been reportedly pressing Economy Minister Silvina Batakis to move forward with a proposal to create the so-called Basic Universal Wage (BUW), as a way out of the current scheme of handouts in the form of endless unemployment subsidies.
A new survey released Sunday in Santiago showed that the number of Chileans who would approve the new Constitution is on the rise against the rejection group, while President Gabriel Boric Font's approval rating has slightly from a slump just a few months after his inauguration.