On Friday Falkland Islands lawmakers, MLAs John Birmingham and Roger Spink met, via video link, with Laurent Corbaz from the International Committee of the Red Cross and members of his team to discuss the progress made in HPP2 (Humanitarian Project Plan 2) work.
In the midst of the conflicting situation between NATO and the US, with Russia, regarding a possible invasion of Ukraine and which has the European continent on the edge, a former German chancellor was appointed to the supervisory board of the Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom, one of the largest energy corporations in the world.
By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com – WTI Crude, the U.S. oil benchmark, jumped to over US$ 92 per barrel early on Friday—its highest level since 2014, amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis and a deep freeze in Texas that disrupted some Permian oil production.
The Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) released this week a stamp set to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of The South Georgia Museum. The Museum at Grytviken is owned by GSGSSI and operated by the South Georgia Heritage Trust, a charity registered in Scotland, as reported by South Georgia Newsletter.
Iceland will end commercial whaling by 2024, announced Fisheries minister Svandis Svavarsdottir in a piece published in the Reykjavik daily Morgunbladid. The lawmaker representing the ruling coalition led by the Left Greens said, there are few justifications to authorize the whale hunt beyond 2024, adding there is little proof that there is any economic advantage to this activity.
Souvenir mugs, plates, and other crockery to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, which was imported from China, have become collectors memorabilia because of a glaring mistake. The text in the 10,800 pieces, which is meant to read, To commemorate the Platinum Jubilee, instead reads, To commemorate the Platinum Jubbly
Cuba's regime Friday ratified charges were being filed against participants in the July 11 and 12 nationwide demonstrations. Prosecutors also made it clear that in the country's legal system protests and sedition were considered to be the same offense.
Brazilian magistrate Luiz Roberto Barroso, who is at the same time a member of the Superior Federal Court (STF) and the Chief Justice at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), said the impeachment of former President Dilma Rousseff was a coup d'état.
An Argentine Navy vessel from the Antarctic Combined Patrol shared with Chile, and currently on duty, helped to rescue the Russian scientific vessel “Professor Logachev”, which was stranded and with no self-propulsion at Lasserre Bay, next to the Polish Antarctic Station Arctowski in King George Island.
Amnesty International (AI) has released a report this week regarding the killing of several human rights defenders and many journalists in the region during the first month of the year 2022.