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Ukraine tells Lula “thanks but no thanks”

Saturday, April 8th 2023 - 10:28 UTC
Full article 114 comments
“The full and entire sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the UN charter,” must be respected, Nikolenko insisted “The full and entire sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the UN charter,” must be respected, Nikolenko insisted

Despite Brazilian President Luiz Inàcio Lula da Silva's efforts to come up with a peace plan for the ongoing war in Europe, Ukraine replied Friday that it will not give up Crimea, a peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014, in exchange for the end of the conflict, something which the South American leader had suggested as a possible course of action.

“There is no legal, political or moral reason that would justify giving up a single centimeter of Ukrainian territory,” Ukrainian Spokesman Oleg Nikolenko wrote on Facebook, who also said that appreciated “the efforts of the Brazilian president to find a way to stop Russian aggression” were appreciated.

“Any mediation efforts to restore peace in Ukraine must be based on respect for the full and entire sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the UN charter,” Nikolenko insisted.

On Thursday, Lula had suggested Ukraine ceded the Crimean peninsula to Russia to facilitate the end of the war, and affirmed that the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky “cannot want everything.”

”(Russian President Vladimir) Putin cannot keep the territory of Ukraine. Maybe Crimea will be discussed. But what he invaded again, he has to rethink,“ Lula also said in a meeting with journalists at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia.

Lula submitted in January a proposal for a group of countries to mediate in the Ukrainian conflict. The Brazilian leader plans to present this project to his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Beijing next week.

The Brazilian head of state said he was confident in the chances of success of such a project, and hoped that the group of countries could be created upon his return from China.

Russia said on several occasions in recent days that peace talks are impossible in the current context, and assured that it will maintain its military operation in Ukraine. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov insisted Friday that peace talks on Ukraine should be based on a ”new world order” free from US domination.

(Source: AFP)

Categories: Politics, Brazil, International.

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  • FortHay

    Jack, The latter part of of your comment is right on target. Here, on the Northeastern coastline, the string of fishing villages has been promised piped water for decades by the various municipal mayoral candidates (of both stripes), but nothing ever happens. There are interlocking corrupt interests blocking any sort of permanent infrastructure improvements. As an ex-engineer I put in probably the only properly designed drain and leach field in this area for my house. Everyone else still dumps their sewage directly into the permeable ground, polluting the aquifer. The blame also falls on the electorate. As long as they receive free tanker loads of (non-potable) water delivered, they are content to remain captives of this system and continue the lethargy of inaction, wearing the free T-shirts and caps handed out during the last election cycle.

    Apr 09th, 2023 - 10:51 am +2
  • Pugol-H

    Ceasefires and negotiations only happen when one side is losing or both are too exhausted to fight on.

    We are not at that point yet.

    Russia’s offensive of the last few months has yielded nothing except very high casualties for the Russians, which they continue to suffer around Bakmut.

    The Ukrainian offensive is about to begin now they have their new NATO MBTs etc.

    We shall see how that goes, however even if it goes well (which it probably will, the Ukrainians have proved very adept at limited offensives) I seriously doubt it will be enough to persuade Putin to negotiate.

    This is going to go on for a while longer.

    Apr 08th, 2023 - 02:36 pm +1
  • Pugol-H

    Very, very pleased to hear from you Compadre, especially the news regarding your good lady and congratulations to your daughter.

    You have been missed.

    Jack Bauer
    Hey Jack, in fine fettle I see, as always telling it like it is.

    Gentleman life is good here, I count my blessings and give thanks to the Lord.

    Stay well Compadres.

    Apr 08th, 2023 - 11:33 pm +1
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