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Ceremonies in Buenos Aires on the Day of the Malvinas Veteran and the Fallen in combat

Monday, April 1st 2024 - 23:01 UTC
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The cenotaph at Plaza San Martin which honors the 649 Argentines fallen in combat during the Falklands conflict. The cenotaph at Plaza San Martin which honors the 649 Argentines fallen in combat during the Falklands conflict.

April 2nd is a very special day in the Argentine calendar, a national holiday, which recalls the Falklands conflict, (when the Argentine military landed and occupied the Islands that day in 1982) and is remembered as the “Day of the Malvinas Veteran and the Fallen in combat”.

The bill 25,370 was sanctioned in November 2000 under the government of elected president Fernando de la Rúa, who overwhelmed by the financial crisis in Argentina and his complete lack of political capacity, forced his resignation, and fled from the Pink House (Casa Rosada, seat of the Executive) in December 2001.

However the Day has since been scrupulously commemorated with special attention to honor Veterans and the 649 Argentine combatants who died in the conflict and their families. The current government of president Javier Milei and vice-president Victoria Villarruel is no different and both have organized special ceremonies.

Actually the vice-president and head of the Senate had planned a small parade next to Congress, but president Milei applied his presidency's motto, “there is no money” forcing the cancellation of the event. Ms. Villarruel has said the date is very dear to her, “I am a Malvinera”, because of the constitutional mandate and the fact her father an Army commando effectively fought in the Falklands.

According to plans announced president Milei at 10:00 Am Tuesday morning will be attending the Cenotaph of the Malvinas Fallen at the San Martin Plaza which remembers combatants and the names of the 649 fallen engraved in black granite. Members of cabinet and other authorities and military hierarchies are expected to be present. In the afternoon, a special ceremony, a Tedeum will be held at the Cathedral of the Buenos Aires City with participation of ministers and top authorities. Milei's attendance has not been confirmed.

Likewise earlier on, around 15:00, the presidential secretary, Karina Milei, sister of the president, with Manuel Adorni the spokesperson for the government who every morning has a media conference to inform on administration news are expected to change the name of the Original Peoples Chamber in Pink House to one, still undisclosed relative to the Malvinas Day and Argentine claim over the Falklands.

Vice-president Villarruel has planned a ceremony for April 3rd at 15:00 hours at the Senate, in the Blue Hall of Honor Diplomas, to honor Malvinas Veterans and members from the Commission of next of kin fallen “The Malvinas question is something which I always have very present,” explained recently the Argentine vice-president, who added the Senate ceremony would be one of several planned.

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  • FitzRoy

    Can we just get one things straight? Argentina celebrates an illegal invasion of a British sovereign territory every year. It is NOT a remembrance of lives lost, or anything more grand than an invasion of a peaceful, peace-loving country that was never theirs in the first place. They are the only country to do so.

    Apr 02nd, 2024 - 08:21 am +6
  • Mike Summers

    Commemorate the war dead, disown the brutal dictators who caused it, and move on. You do disown the brutal dictators, don't you ?

    Apr 02nd, 2024 - 10:54 am +6
  • FitzRoy

    Malvi, you incorrect on just about every point you make! Britain discovered, and claimed, the islands in 1594. Neither the French, nor the British were aware of one another's presence until the British found them at Port Louis. Spain never “administered” the Falklands at all and their failed settlement, in 1771, left after a few, short, years. Spain never ceded anything to “Argentina” in 1816, in fact, Spain didn't recognise your independence until 1856. But you know all this.


    Apr 06th, 2024 - 12:10 pm +2
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