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Falklands longliner rescue operation: all crew members safe in located life rafts

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024 - 16:25 UTC
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A first rescue attempt by a SAR helicopter failed because of the extreme weather conditions and range A first rescue attempt by a SAR helicopter failed because of the extreme weather conditions and range
Argos Georgia was involved in Patagonian toothfish in South Georgia island waters and was well equipped for freezing the valuable catch. Argos Georgia was involved in Patagonian toothfish in South Georgia island waters and was well equipped for freezing the valuable catch.

The Falkland Islands Maritime Authority reported early Tuesday morning that longliner Argos Georgia had been lost but fortunately, all 27 crew members were able to take to life rafts, and the rescue operation is now surface-centered in recovering the dispersed rafts in extreme weather conditions but with overwatch coverage.

 According to the Maritime Authority latest report, following the Monday afternoon incident, roughly 200 nautical miles east of Stanley that led to uncontrolled flooding, the 27 crew members from Argos Georgia were forced to abandon ship shortly after 4PM local time and crew members took to life rafts.

The British Forces South Atlantic Islands, BFSAI, CFSAI A-400M ‘Atlas’ was the first asset on scene and was able to track and report the position of the life rafts. Between the BFSAI ‘Atlas’ and A-330 ‘Voyager’ aircraft, over watch has been maintained overnight and continues.

The Falkland Islands Fisheries Patrol Vessel, FPV LILIBET and 2 fishing vessels that responded to the call made best speed to the location overnight, with the first vessel having recently arrived on scene and commenced search operations.

Operating at extreme range, a Search and Rescue (SAR) helicopter from the BFSAI SAR Flight attempted to recover personnel from the scene Monday evening but the attempt was unsuccessful in the face of extremely challenging weather conditions and very limited time on scene due to range.

The helicopter returned to Stanley Airport to refuel prior to a second attempt but the weather worsened further, and rotary wing SAR operations were suspended. As of Tuesday morning weather conditions mean the search area remains out of limits for helicopter SAR operations, but the situation is being reviewed regularly with a view to resuming operations as soon as possible.

Further updates will be released as the situation develops.

FV Argos Georgia was a longliner, built in Turkey in 2018 with IMO number 9812690, a gross tonnage of 2,004, net tonnage 602, 53,85 meters long, 13 meters wide and a draught of 5,5 meters. She was flagged in the British Overseas Territory of St Helena island.

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  • JoJo

    Think you need to update your article

    Jul 24th, 2024 - 01:32 am 0
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