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Montevideo, September 12th 2024 - 14:28 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 03:26 UTC

    The art of bluffing in Poker

    Photo: Unsplash

    Anyone who has ever played Poker knows that it’s as much a “game of skill” as it is of luck. That’s because there’s no way to win it without using a good mix of strategy, psychology, and, of course, holding Lady Luck’s hand. Those who are exceptionally great at this game, however, have mastered one thing– the art of bluffing. Mastering this mind game is essential and often separates the amateurs from the veterans.

  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024 - 11:40 UTC

    Mondino tells Cameron Argentine not happy with his trip to Falklands

    Mondino also recalled her country's support to Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion

    Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino Wednesday conveyed to her British colleague Lord David Cameron her government's uneasiness for the latter's visit to the Falkland Islands en route to the G20 Summit of top diplomats where they met. Mondino also insisted on Argentina's “sovereignty rights” over the archipelago during their one-on-one encounter on the sides of the G-20 convention.

  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024 - 11:25 UTC

    Venezuelan military refugee in Chile is abducted from his home in an apparent commando operation

    Ojeda Moreno spent 249 days at the Ramo Verde prison in Venezuela before escaping and seeking political asylum in Chile, which he was granted late last year

    A former Venezuelan Army Lieutenant who had fled his country and had been granted political asylum in Chile has been abducted apparently in a commando operation sanctioned by Caracas, it was reported Wednesday in Santiago.

  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024 - 10:32 UTC

    Host Vieira criticizes UNSC on first day of G-20 Foreign Ministers Summit

    Vieira said he hoped the meeting would help tackle world hunger

    Brazil's Mauro Vieira launched Wednesday the 2-day summit of G-20 Foreign Ministers in Rio de Janeiro by criticizing the paralysis of the United Nations Security Council in the face of the record number of conflicts in the world.

  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024 - 10:29 UTC

    Chilean authorities reopen probe into Neruda's death

    The poet had prostate cancer but was said not to be terminally ill

    Chilean authorities decided this week to launch an investigation into the Sept. 23, 1973, death of Communist poet Pablo Neruda, winner of the 1971 Literature Nobel Prize, who is believed to have been poisoned by the military regime of dictator Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990) less than a fortnight after seizing power in a bloody coup d'état. At that time, Neruda, 69, was said to be suffering from prostate cancer, but it is believed he was not terminally ill by then.

  • Thursday, February 22nd 2024 - 10:21 UTC

    WHO warns against an increase in the number of cases of measles

    Crowcroft spoke of huge underreporting of the total number of cases worldwide

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned this week of a 79% global increase in the number of cases of measles, “a childhood illness caused by a virus that easily spreads among people and can be very harmful to children,” of which over 300,000 detections were recorded last year.

  • Wednesday, February 21st 2024 - 16:12 UTC

    French FM stops by in Buenos Aires ahead of Rio summit

    Séjourné and Mondino are both attending the G20 convention in Rio

    Argentine President Javier Milei met in Buenos Aires Tuesday with France's Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné to strengthen bilateral ties and trade between the two countries.

  • Wednesday, February 21st 2024 - 16:04 UTC

    Milei's spokesperson: “Cameron's Malvinas visit, an issue of Cameron agenda”

    Milei spokesperson Manuel Adorni in his morning conference avoided any specific criticism on Lord Cameron's Falklands visit

    Indifference and irony have been reactions of the current Argentine government to the Falkland Islands visit of British foreign minister, Lord Cameron. Indifference if we follow the statements from president Milei's spokesperson, who every day holds a morning media conference to report and take questions on the activities and performance of current administration obsessed with seeking the much promised recovery of Argentina's economic situation.

  • Wednesday, February 21st 2024 - 16:02 UTC

    Uruguay beef export up 11,5% in January; Brazil to remain leader in poultry and beef global sales

    China remained the main market for Uruguayan beef; there was an important surge in sales to Israel and the EU

    During the first month of the year, Uruguay exported 52.935 tons of beef, an 11,5% increase over the same period in 2023. However the overall income for the shipments was up 7.9%, and this was because export prices on average were down 3.3%.

  • Wednesday, February 21st 2024 - 15:08 UTC

    Cameron in Paraguay points to environment and sustainability associations opportunities with UK

    Lord Cameron and President Santiago Peña during a meeting with media at the Lopez Palace in Asunción

    Lord David Cameron, during his historic visit to Paraguay, the first time a British Foreign Secretary visits the country in 171 years of diplomatic relations, pointed out the UK's interest in strengthening relations and the opportunity for environment and sustainability associations in the framework of shared commitments, as reported by the local agency news IP.