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Montevideo, September 20th 2024 - 02:34 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 19:32 UTC

    Brazil's newest sub christened before Lula and Macron

    The Brazilian submarines are bigger than the original French Scorpene model from which they derive

    Presidents Emmanuel Macron of France and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil Thursday visited the Itaguaí Naval Complex, the facilities in the State of Rio de Janeiro where the Tonelero (S-42) submarine -a joint undertaking between the two countries- was christened by First Lady Rosângela Lula da Silva.

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 18:57 UTC

    Chile: Slight increase in unemployment reported

    The increase in the labor force was greater than the increase in the number of employed people, Chile's INE found

    Chile's National Statistics Institute (INE) released a report Thursday showing that unemployment in the mobile quarter from December 2023 to February 2024 reached 8.5%, an annual increase of 0.1%. In the Santiago Metropolitan Region (RM), it reached 9.3%, which represented a decrease of 0.4% in twelve months.

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 11:59 UTC

    Colombia expels Argentina's diplomatic mission over Milei statements against Petro

    Milei spoke ill of “the respected Mr Gustavo Petro,” Bogota's Foreign Ministry argued

    Gustavo Petro ordered all of Argentina's diplomatic staff in Colombia expelled after derogatory remarks against him by fellow President Javier Milei during an interview with CNN. The Libertarian leader called him a “murderer, terrorist,” given his past as a M-19 guerrilla fighter. Colombia also withdrew its Ambassador from Buenos Aires.

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 11:53 UTC

    “Democracy returned to Argentina thanks to Margaret Thatcher,” Argentine historian said

    Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

    ”You really want to know why democracy returned to Argentina, (1983), it's hard to say, and you need guts to say it, but all of us Argentines must know it, and accept it, democracy returned to Argentina thanks to Margaret Thatcher, and the Malvinas adventure defeat...”

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 11:40 UTC

    Venezuela: Rosales claims he is not Maduro's candidate

    Besides Rosales, most “opposition” candidates are believed to be collaborators of the ruling party

    Former Zulia governor Manuel Rosales, who once challenged the late Hugo Chávez Frías for Venezuela's presidency, said he was willing to withdraw from this year's July 28 elections if another opposition candidate made it through the restrictions imposed by Nicolás Maduro's regime. “I am not Maduro's candidate,” he insisted after becoming the most prominent contender on behalf of a fragmented opposition.

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 11:31 UTC

    Uruguayan rural producers affected by stronger local currency

    “Supply and demand determine what the dollar is worth,” Central Bank President Labat has said

    Uruguay's rural producers underlined that the constant appreciation of the local peso against the US dollar was detrimental to their exporting activities and insisted that the appropriate exchange rate should be US$ 1 = UY$ 58 instead of UY$ 37.5, which represents a 3.9% drop so far this year.

  • Thursday, March 28th 2024 - 10:40 UTC

    Strategies for crafting effective partnership agreements

    Photo: Unsplash

    Partnerships play a vital role in pushing growth, innovation, and success in business. Whether you are starting a new venture or strengthening an existing collaboration, the foundation of a fruitful partnership lies in a well-crafted partnership agreement. An effective partnership agreement outlines all parties' terms, responsibilities, and expectations, setting the stage for a harmonious and productive business relationship. In this article, we will study strategies for creating partnership agreements that are comprehensive, clear, and conducive to sustainable partnerships.

  • Wednesday, March 27th 2024 - 19:28 UTC

    Brazil and France sign key deals during Macron's visit

    Macron was welcomed by Lula. He will spend 3 days in Brazil on his first official trip to the South American country. He is due back later this year for the G20 Summit

    Presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Emmanuel Macron launched Tuesday in Belém a € 1 billion investment bioeconomy program for the Brazilian Legal Amazon as well as for the part of the Amazon within French Guiana to raise funds through public and private investments over the next four years, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Wednesday, March 27th 2024 - 18:58 UTC

    No end in sight for Haiti's crisis

    Some Haitians already believe it is time to move on to Plan B as creating a council to then hold presidential elections does not seem to work

    Gangs such as the one led by former Haitian Police officer gone rogue Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherisier have upped their grip on Port-au-Prince, further sinking the country's capital into chaos and deprivation, it was reported after attacks began on Monday and continued through Tuesday.

  • Wednesday, March 27th 2024 - 18:28 UTC

    Assange escapes extradition to US for now, pending assurances

    Assange was said to be in poor physical and mental health after over 12 years excluded from the outside world

    A UK Court decided on Tuesday that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may not be extradited to face espionage charges in the United States, at least until assurances are received from Washington that the death penalty will not be sought. It was no legal victory for Assaange's supporters who claimed that the only acceptable outcome would be ”no extradition” at all. The British government signed an extradition order in June 2022, which Assange has appealed.