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Montevideo, October 19th 2024 - 02:22 UTC


  • Wednesday, July 30th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Farm leaders become most popular figures in Argentina

    Farm leaders in Buenos Aires

    Argentine farm leaders involved in the recent stand off with the administration of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner have soared in public opinion consideration according to the latest survey released this week in Buenos Aires by Giacobe and Associates.

  • Wednesday, July 30th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine farmers reject gov. attempts to divide them

    Argentine farmers' organizations have anticipated that they will only meet with government officials as a group and reject efforts to divide them. The warning follows statements from Argentina's new Agriculture minister who argued the liaison committee lacks “representativeness” hinting he would talk to each farm association on an individual basis.

  • Wednesday, July 30th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine electricity rates hiked in July from 10 to 30%

    De Vido, a Minister to befriend

    Faced with energy shortages after years of minimum investment, neglected maintenance and frozen rates the Argentine government announced this week electricity hikes to the tune of 10 to 30% for residential customers, the first since 2002.

  • Monday, July 28th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Former Argentine economy minister admits errors

    Lousteau warns about inflation and Mr. Kirchner negative influence

    Argentine former Economy minister Martín Lousteau spoke to the press about his brief period in office for the first time and while maintaining his continued faith in President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, made some criticisms of the national government and called for the removal of Domestic Commerce Secretary Guillermo Moreno, who he described as “unerringly inefficient” and with whom he admitted having had a significant conflict.

  • Sunday, July 27th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Two to one disapproval of Mrs. Kirchner's gov.

    More loved without her husband around

    By a margin of two to one Argentine public opinion disapproves of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's performance, according to a survey from consultants MBC-Mori and released Sunday by Buenos Aires daily Perfil.

  • Sunday, July 27th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    US marines land for military exercise in Puerto Belgrano

    Exercise “Exchange” 2008

    United States marines, as well as from Chile and Brazil were involved in an amphibious exercise with the Argentine Navy in Puerto Belgrano home port of the Argentine fleet. The exercise was described by the Argentine media as evidence of a growing military rapprochement between the two countries.

  • Sunday, July 27th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentina looking for icebreaker for 08/09 Antarctic season

    Irizar fire crippled Argentine Antarctic campaign

    Argentina invited last week tenders for the provision of an ice breaker for the coming 2008/09 Antarctic season since flag carrier Almirante Irizar remains out of action following the severe fire which crippled the vessel last year. However the operation is limited to Argentine bidders.

  • Saturday, July 26th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    President Cristina Fernandez gets support from officials

    We can lost battles but history is written by people

    President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner yesterday attended two ceremonies, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with her husband, Justicialist (Peronist) Party Néstor Kirchner, where both of them received support from other officials amid the political crisis the government is going through following the setback they suffered at the Senate last week and the resignation of two top officials this week.

  • Friday, July 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine/NASA satellite will measure oceans' salt levels

    SAC-D Aquarius satellite

    Argentine and NASA scientists hope a new satellite will help them better track global climate change by measuring salt levels on the surface of the world's oceans.

  • Friday, July 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine farm row impacts strongly on industrial activity

    Industrial activity in Argentina during the month of June expanded 1.8% compared to the same month a year ago but dropped 4% against May as a consequence of the prolonged stand off between farmers and the administration of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.