For the first time, the 16 flags of the British Overseas Territories including the Falkland Islands are being flown in Parliament Square, alongside the flags of the Crown Dependencies, to mark a state occasion, reports an official release from the Foreign Office.
After a six-month deployment to the South Atlantic, including a patrol and exercises in the Falkland Islands, the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dauntless has returned to her home port in Portsmouth, southern England.
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) is likely to earn somewhere in the region of 25 to 30% of the gross value of the oil resource spread over an expected field life of 25 years, it was stated at a public meeting in the capital Stanley earlier this week.
A group of Central American journalists recently visited the Falkland Islands for a week as guests of the Foreign Office together with Bruce Callow from the UK Costa Rica embassy. During Mr Callow wrote in his blog about the experience regarding important issues for the Falklands such as the referendum next March on the future of the Islands.
The Falkland Islands Government accounts showed a surplus of £4.297 million compared to a revised budget surplus of £2.448 million (a positive performance of £3.190 million) for the first three months of the 2012/13 financial year, according to the Financial Management Report presented this week to the Standing Finance Committee.
The Falkland Islands will have a new deep-water port facility capable of meeting the demands of all incumbent industries it was announced following this week's meeting of Executive Council (ExCo).
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd., (FOGL), announced completion of the farm-out agreement with Noble Energy Falklands Limited, an affiliate of Houston based Noble Energy, Inc. and the signing of agreements with Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) for the acquisition and processing of two new 3D seismic surveys.
A group of Central American journalists recently visited the Falkland Islands for a week as guests of the Foreign Office together with Bruce Callow from the UK Costa Rica embassy. The following is a first reflection just back from the Islands in Bruce’s blog.
Argentine lawmakers met with their UK peers and called for an end to unilateral hydrocarbons explorations in Falkland Islands waters and for an end to military exercises in the South Atlantic.
Tourist arrivals to the Falkland Islands are expected to increase by 14.6% in 2012 with a significant 28% increase in the number of leisure visitors, mainly driven by the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands war according to the September Falklands Forecast from the Falkland Islands Tourist Board.