A British Foreign Office official in Port Stanley has denied that the British Ambassador to Argentina, Sir Robin Christopher, recently made a 'secret' visit to the Falkland Islands
Headlines: Chilean Navy rescues British pilots; Papal cross reaches South Pole; Magallanes: High income tourism; Marine park in Carlos III Island.
The Chilean Senate's approval of the Free Trade and Political Association Agreement (FTA) with the European Union has increased concerns in the fishing industry that the fisheries chapter may compromise the country's maritime sovereignty, despite Presidential assurances on the contrary.
The Fisheries Department of Magallanes University has successfully farmed Canadian Halibut specimens in a pilot project in Bahía Laredo, a few miles away from Punta Arenas.
Headlines: Puerto Madryn is Chilean; Sea Sciences Congreso.
Headlines: Falklands CPA talks to include'Islands Plan'; Successful seminar for South Georgia; Plastic problems; Commercial charter to replace Tristar; Cruise visit update; Sports on weekend.
Titulares: Conferencia parlamentaria tratará el plan de desarrollo de Falklands; Exitoso seminario para Georgia del Sur; Problemas con el plástico; Charter comercial reemplaza al Tristar; Visitas de cruceros; Deportes de fin de semana.
Tourist operators in Punta Arenas are furious with an article published in The New York Times, followed by some comments in La Nación, from Buenos Aires and even with ?Chilean president Ricardo Lagos.
Headlines: Boom squid harvest forecasted; Argentina creates fisheries policy board; Prestige damages reach a billion EUR; Brazil finances fishing fleet; South Korea and Russia agree fishing quotas; Low catches may trigger shrimp ban; Chile supports coastal fishermen; Peru catches Ecuadorian vessels poaching; Decommissioning on cards for Prime Ministerial talks;
A famous veteran of the 1982 Falklands War, Simon Weston, has joined other military figures in opposing a war against Iraq. And he has again attacked the British Government for being prepared to send troops into battle, at risk of their lives, with what has been widely condemned as faulty equipment, such as the SA80 rifle, prone to jamming in Afghanistan.