A Korean jigger was arrested this week in the South Atlantic by the Argentine Coast Guard allegedly for illegal fishing and a catch of 80 tons of squid was seized.
The earthquake in Chile earlier this year destroyed Chilean processing plants tightening world supply of fishmeal and causing world market prices to hit an all-time high. Chile is the world’s second biggest exporter of fishmeal, second only to Peru.
Australian Fisheries Minister Norman Moore embraced the aquaculture potential of Western Australia with the opening of a cutting edge-design commercial brine shrimp farm at Port Gregory, near Geraldton.
Ongoing effort to find new uses for soy-based products has kicked off at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale (US) for shovelnose sturgeon caviar production.
New regulations, such as retailers’ requirement that fish must be certified as sustainable, and the impact of the global economic crisis are affecting the seafood industry, especially producers in developing nations, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee on Fisheries (COFI) is meeting this week in Buenos Aires to examine technical and economic aspects of the international trade in fish and fishery products.
A new proposal announced last week by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) would allow the killing of a number of whales in the Antarctic Ocean off the coast of Chile and has Chilean environmental groups upset.
The International Whaling Commission unveiled Thursday a draft proposal to bring all whaling operations under its full control and to strengthen and focus the work of the IWC on conservation issues including a compromise proposal which will cut Japan's annual Antarctic quota by three-quarters in five years.
China has sent its ocean-going fishing vessels Kai li and An Xin Hai to the Antarctic for the 2010 krill fishing season. During a 23 day exploratory fishing they caught 2.000 tons of krill, with a daily output of 100 tons, three times than originally expected.
The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) are convening an international meeting on trade in fish and seafood to be hosted by in the Argentine government Buenos Aires 26-30 April.