Controversy erupted in Britain following reports in the London press that the Royal Navy will experience a drastic cut to its surface fleet and promotion for RN officers is to be frozen for five years as a result of cost cutting measures.
Britain's Royal Navy fishery patrol ships received a new lease on life when the Ministry of Defence settled a GBP 52 million (USD 101 million) deal with Portsmouth shipbuilders. The new contract with VT Group effectively guarantees that the HMS Tyne, HMS Severn and HMS Mersey will remain at sea until the end of 2013.
The European Union called on the United States to show leadership in reviving the stalled Doha trade talks ahead of meetings in Washington next Monday of top EU officials with President George W. Bush and the new Democrat congressional leaders.
After twelve years of undisputed Republican majority in the United States Congress, opposition Democrats on Thursday took control of both houses with Representative Nancy Pelosi becoming the first female speaker ever in the House.
Ban Ki-Moon ran into trouble on his first day of work as UN secretary-general on Tuesday over Saddam Hussein's execution when he twice failed to state the United Nations' opposition to the death penalty and stressed instead that capital punishment should be a decision of every country.
China's central bank under international pressure to make the yuan more flexible will in 2007 pursue a stable currency policy to promote economic growth.
Starting his first day of work, new Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon vowed Tuesday to end mistrust of the United Nations and called for action to tackle daunting problems from crises in the Middle East and Darfur to reducing extreme poverty by half by 2015.
A British climate expert said 2007 could be the hottest year ever recorded because of a combination of global warming and El Nino.
Huge celebrations have been held in Romania and Bulgaria to mark their accession to the European Union, 17 years after the fall of Communism.
Wind-swept revelers gathered around London's Big Ben to watch the fireworks, and thousands of Japanese climbed Mount Fuji and other peaks to watch the first sunrise of the New Year. But the Thai capital sent celebrants home after a series of evening bombs