A trade union-organized march in Buenos Aires descended into violence Thursday, with thousands of protesters clashing with police as they demanded lawmakers reject a controversial pension reform plan. Riot police used water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrators, who threw stones and burned barricades made of rubbish outside the doors of Argentina's congress.
After its success in controlling a devastating fruit fly with nuclear technology, Argentina is gearing up to fight a new enemy: mosquitoes that transmit Zika, in addition to dengue and chikungunya. The method applied in both cases is the sterile insect technique, SIT, an insect birth control method that uses irradiation to sterilize and release insects to suppress pest populations.
The World Trade Organization meeting in Buenos Aires concluded a ministerial meeting Wednesday with nothing significant to boast -- a meager outcome for its first gathering in the Donald Trump era.
British Prime Minister Theresa May contacted on Tuesday Argentine president Mauricio Macri to express solidarity over the missing submarine ARA San Juan which disappeared on 15 November in the South Atlantic after exchanging messages with its base in Mar del Plata. The news was supplied by the official Argentine news agency, Telam.
Under fire from the United States, wracked by disagreements over China and unable to kick-start stalled trade talks, the World Trade Organization meets under a cloud in Argentina from this Sunday. The Buenos Aires meeting will be the first in the era of US President Donald Trump, who has pummeled the 164-member body relentlessly since taking office, even describing it as a disaster
Meeting for the first time in Latin America, the World Trade Organization’s 11th Ministerial Conference will take place in Buenos Aires from 10-13 December. Central to this year’s talks will be an international deal to curb harmful fishing subsidies. These are government payments or tax breaks that contribute to overcapacity, overfishing and illegal fishing (IUU) globally.
Argentina blocked two European activists from entering the country on the eve of the World Trade Organization's ministerial meeting in Buenos Aires, the two told a local radio program Saturday.
A federal judge in Argentina indicted former President Cristina Fernandez for treason and asked for her arrest for allegedly covering up Iran’s possible role in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center that killed 85 people and injured hundreds, a court ruling said.
A RAF Voyager transport, in a direct link from MPA in the Falkland Islands landed on Thursday morning at Ezeiza airport in Buenos Aires with 25 members of the HMS Protector crew, on time to catch a midday British Airways flight to London. It has been decades since an RAF unit lands in the Argentine capital international airport.
The British Embassy in Buenos Aires celebrated the first 100 years of the Ambassador’s Residence, a building that is on Argentina’s national heritage list and regarded as one of the most beautiful British diplomatic residences in the world.