The European Commission opened Private Storage Aid for butter, Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) and certain cheeses in order to alleviate the impact of Russian restrictions on imports of EU dairy products and to limit the negative effects on the internal market.
Uruguay's dairy industry has overtaken Argentina as the main supplier of milk to Brazil, according to Globo Rural, a Brazilian site which specializes in farming news. Brazil's imports were globally 60% Argentine milk and the rest, 40% from Uruguay, but now Uruguay has moved to over 50%, meaning Argentina is losing ground in Latam largest economy and leading Mercosur partner, Anibal Schaller manager of the Milk Industry Center, admitted to Globo Rural.
A state of the art dairy farm with 8.000 milking cows that will export powder milk, create 300 qualified jobs and generate its own energy from the animals’ dung is scheduled to open its first phase next April in Durazno, Uruguay.
Saudi Arabia's largest dairy company announced it was buying Argentine farm operator Fondomonte for 83 million dollars to secure access to a supply of animal feed. The acquisition will give Riyadh-based Almarai Co. control of roughly 30,000 acres of farmland just ahead of tough new limits to be imposed by Argentina's government on foreign ownership of productive land.
Uruguay has the highest per capita consumption of milk in Latin America averaging between 225 and 230 liters. This compares favorably with Argentina’s 220 liters, Brazil’s 110 and Chile’s 100.
The financial dealings of New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser are under scrutiny amid revelations he owns thousands of shares in a Uruguayan-based dairy company that he actively promotes as part of his job, according to the NZ press.