The first formal meeting of the newly elected Legislative Assembly was held on Monday morning in Stanley and it was confirmed that last Friday, following the election result the newly elected members of the Legislative Assembly met to discuss and distribute portfolio responsibilities.
The constitution of the Falkland Islands requires that a general election be held every four years to choose the eight members of the Islands’ Legislative Assembly or lower house of government. The next General Election is due to be held on November 7th this year.
Preparations are under way in the Falkland Islands for a General Election to be held on November 7 this year and 4.30pm on October 17th marks the last moments for would be Members of the Islands Legislative Council to announce their candidacy. This year the list of candidates will be subject to particular scrutiny.
The Falkland Islands will have a new deep-water port facility capable of meeting the demands of all incumbent industries it was announced following this week's meeting of Executive Council (ExCo).
The Falkland Islands Executive Council has officially approved that a referendum be held on the question of the political status of the Falkland Islands and announced that the Electoral Commission has agreed to assist with developing the form of the question and the wording and give a bespoke advisory service including providing guidance.