The Falkland Islands national beef herd could be doubled to meet current and potential markets, farmers heard at a Falklands Meat Company, FMC, meeting this week in Stanley.
Uruguay meat exports so far this year (June 9) represented 766 million dollars which is slightly higher that the same period last year when the sum was 722 million dollars; likewise tonnage was 195.459 compared to 184.749 tons in 2011.
China has opened its market to Chilean meat, avocados and blueberries following the visit of Agriculture minister Luis Mayol who anticipated further discussions for the sale of live cattle and dairy produce.
Despite logistical issues in the early part of the season the Falkland Islands Meat Company, (FIMCo) completed a record breaking high season on April 27, with 47,200 sheep and lambs processed and over 540 tons of meat and offal produced, earning farmers more than £1million for their animals.
UK has become a net exporter of lamb, according to new figures published by EBLEX and reported by Meat Trade News Daily. The figures show that in 2011 sheep meat exports from the UK saw an 11% increase on the year, totalling 98.500 tonnes product weight.
The Falkland Islands Meat Company (FIMCo) may export up to 30,000 lambs in the coming season compared to 26,000 last year in an abattoir successfully upgraded by local companies, reports the Penguin News in this week’s edition.