Rockhopper Exploration PLC reported a “fantastic result” as its third discovery in the North Falkland basin encountered oil and-or wet gas in four hydrocarbon-bearing target zones, said the company on a Tuesday release in London.
Desire Petroleum plc (AIM:DES) the exploration company wholly focused on the North Falkland Basin notes the announcement made today by Rockhopper Exploration plc (“the Operator”) regarding the 14/15-4 well. Desire has a 40% carried interest in this well.
Rockhopper Exploration announced Thursday in its interim results statement that the Falkland Islands drilling campaign has been very successful as it has established the Sea Lion discovery as a world-class asset.
Rockhopper Exploration announced Monday the spudding of its last well of the current successful drilling round in Falkland Islands waters. The well 15/15-4 in the North Falkland basin is situated on Licence PL004b in which Rockhopper will earn a 60% interest following the drilling, with Desire Petroleum holding a 40% interest.
Rockhopper Exploration declared a second oil and gas discovery in Falkland Islands waters and announced the drilling of an additional two wells. The announcement comes exactly two years to the day since the Falklands’ shore based yard began its work in support of oil development in the Islands.
The Ocean Guardian oil rig is Falkland Islands waters since February 2010 prepares to leave the Islands in early 2012 for a contract with another operator.
Desire Petroleum plc (AIM:DES), the exploration company focusing on the North Falkland Basin, announces that the rig contract with Diamond Offshore Drilling (UK) Ltd for use of the drilling unit the Ocean Guardian for operations in the North Falkland Basin has been amended.
Falkland Islands oil explorer Desire petroleum unveiled Friday a new competent person's report (CPR), which it hailed as confirmation of the prospectivity of its licences.
When the Leiv Eriksson, a rig built to hunt for oil beneath 10,000 feet of water in the world’s roughest seas, finishes drilling a well off Greenland’s west coast next month, it will sail for its next job -- a prospect 9,000 miles away, south of the Falkland Islands.
Rockhopper Exploration plc has confirmed that a loss of power occurred on the Ocean Guardian drill rig on the 16th October 2011 leading to a partial evacuation of all non-essential personnel.