Brazil reaffirmed its influence in Africa with the visit by President Dilma Rousseff on Thursday of the oil rich ‘brother’ nation Angola. Rousseff had previously visited South Africa and Mozambique.
Brazil has begun shipping rice to South Africa, competing with Thailand, the largest source of the grain for Africa’s largest economy. A shipment of rice from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state left Santos bound for South Africa this week.
The ash cloud from the Chilean Volcano Puyehue-Cordón Caulle in eruption since June 4 has reached Cape Town airspace affecting flights in and out of Cape Town International Airport.
The International Monetary Fund will warn G20 finance ministers this weekend of growing risks to the world economy from surging food prices and public finances while also advocating a somewhat weaker dollar.
South Africa has been formally asked to join the BRIC group of major emerging markets, comprising Brazil, Russia, India and China, according to a statement on the web from China’s Foreign Affairs minister Yang Jiechi.
Argentina and South Africa signed on Saturday on board a South African navy vessel docked in Buenos Aires a wide ranging agreement on defense development and military co-operation.
Four Indian warships are being dispatched for a two-month-long overseas deployment along the African coast this week, which will culminate in complex trilateral war games among Indian, Brazilian and South African navies.
Brazilian president Lula da Silva confirmed Friday he will not be present at the South Africa World Cup final on Sunday because he has urgent work in the northeast of the country ravaged by floods that has left tens dead and thousands homeless.