Former South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk, the last white man ever to rule the country, has died Thursday of mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer, at his home near Cape Town. He was 85.
Last week's wave of unrest and massive looting all across South Africa, which has left 212 people dead and 2,524 under arrest, was an “attempted insurrection” which “has failed” to achieve its goals, President Cyril Ramaphosa said Friday.
South Africa has been since last week going through a wave of riots and looting which has already left 72 people dead and 1,234 detainees, it was reported Tuesday.
Argentine health authorities Monday reported having detected the presence of the South African and Indian strains of the coronavirus in travelers who have arrived into the country over the past few days.
The rich members of the World Trade Organization blocked a push by over 80 developing countries on Wednesday to waive patent rights in an effort to boost the production of Covid-19 vaccines for poor nations.
The World Health Organization's emergency committee met on Thursday, two weeks ahead of schedule to discuss the new coronavirus variants from South Africa and Britain that have rapidly spread to at least 50 countries and sparked widespread alarm.
Killer whales are likely responsible for the disappearance of great white sharks from the waters of Cape Town, South Africa — a popular destination to go cage diving, according to a new South African government report.
After a ten-year hiatus, the South African Department of Agriculture announced the opening of the market for Paraguayan abattoirs to export beef and meat products. According to the Paraguayan foreign ministry, the reopening of this market by the African country was possible through joint work with the Animal Health and Quality Service (Senacsa).
Twenty countries, including France, Britain, and India, signed an agreement at the UN on Thursday that aims to stop the spread of fake news online. The signatories, which also included South Africa and Canada, committed to promoting “independently reported, diverse and reliable” information on the internet, under an accord initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a press freedom watchdog.
A diver who ended up trapped in the mouth of a massive whale joked that he didn't have a whale of a time but called the unique encounter a very special event. Rainer Schimpf, 51, was diving off the coast of South Africa with a documentary crew in February when the breaching whale reached the surface, its mouth wide open.