Unemployment in Argentina in the last quarter of 2024 rose to 6.4%, up 0.7 points from 5.7% in Q4 2023, but down 0.5 points from Q3 2024 (6.9%), the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) said in a report released Thursday. Joblessness was higher in the Greater Buenos Aires area (7.1%) and lower in Patagonia (4%) while more women (6.9%) than men (6.1%) were going through that plight.
Add your comment!Paraguayan President Santiago Peña Thursday celebrated the creation of over 96,000 new jobs since the start of his administration, according to a study from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) released in Asunción which showed a significant increase from the third quarter of 2023 to the fourth quarter of 2024, with major growth in commerce, restaurants, hotels, community services, and construction sectors.
According to the latest issue of Brazil's Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Household Sample Survey, unemployment stood at 6.2% in the quarter ending last month, Agencia Brasil reported. It was the lowest mark since the measurement began being tracked in 2012. The previous quarter, ending in July, had a rate of 6.8%, while in the same quarter last year, ending in October, the rate stood at 7.6%.
According to a report from Brazil’s Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released Thursday, unemployment in South America's largest country fell to 6.4 % in the third quarter of 2024 (from July to September), Agencia Brasil reported. These figures are 0.5 percentage points lower than between April and June, when it stood at 6.9%. Compared to July–September 2023, the drop is 1.3 percentage points. In that quarter, the rate was 7.7%.
According to a report from Uruguay's National Statistics Institute (INE) released in Montevideo Wednesday, unemployment in the South American country stood at 8.4% of the economically active population in August, which represented a slight setback from July's 8.3%.
According to a report from Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec), unemployment in the South American country reached 7.6 % in the second quarter of 2024. The figures were consistent with the 7.7% recorded in the previous trimester but represented a sharp interannual deterioration from the 6.2% during the same period of 2023.
The economy in South America's largest country is taking a shaky turn as Friday's figures would indicate. The exchange rate between the local real (R$) and the US dollar (US$) went up 15.15% over the past six months, closing at US$ 1 = R$ 5.58 while the Stock market fell 0.32% for a 1.49% monthly gain. On the brighter side, unemployment in the quarter ending in May stood at 7.1%, according to Brazil's Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), a considerable improvement from February's 7.8% and the yoy 8.3%.
Uruguay's National Statistics Institute (INE) released a report Wednesday in Montevideo showing that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) went up 0.4% in May for an accumulated 3.25% in 2024 and a 4.1% yoy. In May 2023, inflation for the previous 12 months amounted to 7.1%.
Argentine SMEs fear a wave of sackings in the coming days due to President Javier Milei's policies which may have been somewhat successful at curbing inflation but at a cost. The Industriales Pymes Argentinos (IPA) chamber released a report saying that some 17,000 jobs had been lost since Milei took office on Dec. 10, 2023, and further suspensions and layoffs appear on May's radar.
The administration of President Javier Milei is planning not to renew the contracts of some 7,000 state workers, which would add to the hardships many Argentine families are going through amid deep reforms to recover from the country's current crisis, it was reported in Buenos Aires.