Uruguay has been considered a leading country in renewable energy, with 98% of its energy eolic, but now has surprisingly has invited foreign companies to explore for offshore oil and gas reserves, attracting some of the heavy weights of he industry, which has generated certain controversy in the country regarding concerns about the impact on marine life and the potential damage to Uruguay’s current global standing. OilPrice, which specializes in the oil and gas industry information comments on the decision.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) continues to support the expansion of renewable energy in Uruguay through two financial packages, totaling 216 million dollars, which were approved for the private sector to finance part of the construction of the Colonia Airas and Valentines wind farms and their related works.
The first wind propelled vessel in the world is expected to dock in Montevideo on Thursday loaded with turbines, columns and rotor blades for a wind farm which is being built in the north of Uruguay.
As part of Uruguay long term plan to promote investment in infrastructure and finance investment in electric power plants using renewable energy resources, essentially wind and solar so as to diversify the country energy mix and cut CO2 emissions, the country will be receiving a 250 million dollar credit line from the Inter American Development Bank, IDB.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a loan of up to 42.2 million dollars to help the private sector in Uruguay finance the development, construction, operation and maintenance of a 48.6 MW wind farm and its associated facilities.
Foreign direct investment in Uruguay totaled 2.79bn dollars last year, which is slightly higher than the 2.68bn of 2012, equivalent to 5% of GDP, according to the latest report on FDI for the region from the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.