An American of Japanese origin and two Japanese scientists won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics on Tuesday for inventing a new energy-efficient and environment-friendly light source, leading to the creation of modern LED light bulbs.
Brazil’s PTG Pactual Bank and the China Construction Bank are at the forefront of the initiative to buy up the 1.6 billion dollars of debt which Argentina owes “holdouts” NML-Elliott and Aurelius, according to a report from Buenos Aires Ambito Financiero, the country's leading financial newspaper.
World Bank Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean Augusto De la Torre has said the ongoing conflict between Argentina and holdout creditors is due to the “lack of international debt regulation frames”, and favored Argentina's initiative in the UN to “solve the situation.”
The International Monetary Fund cut its global economic growth forecasts for the third time this year, warning of weaker growth in core Euro zone countries, Japan and big emerging markets like Brazil.
Saharan Africa's economic growth remains strong and should accelerate to 5.8% in 2015 but if the Ebola outbreak in its western corner is protracted or spreads it will have dramatic consequences for that zone, the IMF said on Tuesday.