The first Latin American pope in history sent letters to Obama, Raúl Castro and brokered negotiations which ended up in Wednesday's announcement that both countries are to resume full ties.
Buenos Aires-born Pontiff offered out-of-the-ordinary milonga in his honour. He also receives cakes and other gifts from children and seminarists, but doesn't forget the atrocities taking place in Australia, Pakistan and Yemen.
Presidents Obama and Castro finalize details over the telephone, make announcement. US restrictions require Congressional approval to be fully lifted. Alan Gross released. Other swaps ensue.
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today welcomed the “historic announcement” made by the Presidents of Cuba and the United States, Raúl Castro and Barack Obama, of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries, as well as the re-opening of embassies in Washington and Havana, the lifting of certain commercial restrictions and the beginning of new paths for cooperation on issues of mutual interest, among other measures.
The Falkland Islands Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Ian Bainbridge as Director of Health and Social Care, taking up post from 28th January 2015.
Brazil's economy contracted 0.26% in October, ending a three-month growth streak and coming in below analysts' expectations of a 0.30% expansion, reported the Central Bank.
US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Manhattan this Wednesday morning will hear Argentina’s appeal against US Judge Thomas Griesa’s order to Argentine banks to provide information on the state’s assets.
As part of Uruguay long term plan to promote investment in infrastructure and finance investment in electric power plants using renewable energy resources, essentially wind and solar so as to diversify the country energy mix and cut CO2 emissions, the country will be receiving a 250 million dollar credit line from the Inter American Development Bank, IDB.
Latest indications confirm that world cereal production will reach an all-time record of more than 2.5 billion tonnes in 2014. Buoyed by bumper crops in Europe and a record maize output in the United States this year's cereal output should reach 2.532 billion tonnes, including rice in milled terms, or 0.3% higher than 2013, according to FAO's latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation Report.
Exports from Latin America will drop by about 1.4% in 2014, the first decline in exports since the collapse of international commerce during the 2009 financial crisis, according to a study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).