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Montevideo, September 23rd 2024 - 01:21 UTC

Stories for 2023

  • Thursday, April 6th 2023 - 10:19 UTC

    IMF says Paraguay has good macroeconomic performance

    Villafuerte visited Asunción with an IMF team from March 27 to April 4

    A statement from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released in Asunción on Wednesday highlighted Paraguay's macroeconomic performance and underlined that the South American country met the goals set for the end of 2022, after implementing a two-year technical support program from the global agency.

  • Thursday, April 6th 2023 - 10:02 UTC

    Arrest of former Peruvian President Toledo ordered

    Toledo is looking at a spell at Lima's Barbadillo prison alongside former colleagues Alberto Fujimori and Pedro Castillo

    A US judge Wednesday ordered the arrest of former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo Manrique, who is said to have received millions of dollars in bribes in exchange for awarding works to the Brazilian company Odebrecht. The Court revoked Toledo's parole and ruled him taken into custody to proceed with his extradition to his country, where he faces charges of corruption.

  • Thursday, April 6th 2023 - 09:57 UTC

    US: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to enter Democratic Party primaries for 2024

    Kennedy repeatedly said Fauci was orchestrating “fascism”

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a nephew of former US President John F. Kennedy, filed the customary paperwork to enter the Democratic Party's primaries in 2024, it was reported Wednesday.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 15:20 UTC

    A man took an axe to a daycare center in Brazil and killed four children

    According to the Police, the event occurred early in the morning when the 25-year-old man jumped over the wall of the daycare center and attacked the children with an axe.

    Four children were killed and at least four injured Wednesday in an attack on a daycare center in southern Brazil.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 10:49 UTC

    Trump arraigned, says there is “no case” against him

    The former US President faces 34 felony charges for altering financial documents to cover up alleged hush payments

    Former US President Donald Trump Tuesday plead not guilty to 34 felony counts in a Manhattan court and flew back to his Florida residence at the end of the day. The Republican leader became the first US president to be arraigned on criminal charges.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 10:11 UTC

    Argentina: Minister Massa discusses trade with group of US Senators

    Massa insisted Argentina needs to export more to the US, for which certain barriers must be lowered

    Argentina's Economy Minister Sergio Massa met Tuesday in Buenos Aires with a group of US Senators to discuss economic and political cooperation in order to face the challenges posed by the new global reality.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 10:08 UTC

    Brazilian Navy physician becomes first black female admiral

    “I believe that from now on other female admirals will emerge because a large number of women are already entering the ranks,” Barbosa said

    Brazilian Navy Physician Maria Cecília Barbosa da Silva Conceição made history Tuesday when she became the first black woman to be promoted to the rank of admiral.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 09:45 UTC

    New rules for demonstrations in Brasilia following Jan. 8 riots

    Demonstrations are guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, Secretary Sandro Avelar explained

    Authorities in the Brazilian capital (Federal District) announced the creation of a special security area in downtown Brasília, Agencia Brasil reported Tuesday. The measure provides rules for demonstrations in the federal capital and comes after the Jan. 8 riots for which hundreds of protesters are under investigation for allegedly seeking a military coup d'état to overthrow President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 09:42 UTC

    Finland becomes NATO's 31st full member

    “This is maybe the one thing that we can thank Mr. Putin for,” Blinken said about Finland's accession to the alliance

    Finland has finally joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in a move that doubles Russia’s border with the world’s biggest security alliance, thus dealing a strategic blow to President Vladimir Putin, who has long complained about NATO’s expansion and partly used that as a justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Finland shares a 1,340-kilometer (832-mile) border with Russia.

  • Wednesday, April 5th 2023 - 09:13 UTC

    Peru: Motion to impeach Boluarte fails to get through Congress

    Boluarte said the motion to impeach was an “obscure political maneuver”

    Peru's one-house Congress Tuesday dismissed a motion to impeach President Dina Boluarte for “moral incapacity” by 64 votes to 37, and 10 abstentions. A reconsideration mooted immediately afterward was also rejected by 67 votes to 34 and, again, 10 abstentions. In view of these results, Congress Speaker José Williams ordered the case shelved.