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Montevideo, September 20th 2024 - 05:42 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 20:02 UTC

    Fish and chips: “The unscrupulous British” had eaten Russian fish for 68 years, says leading ally of Putin

    Russia's parliamentary speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said: “The British need to study some proverbs - 'Russians harness the horse slowly, but ride it fast'.”

    No more fish and chips from Russian waters? A 1956 agreement that allowed British boats to fish in the Barents Sea has been ripped up, in the latest sign of growing tensions between Moscow and London, and the last batch of sanctions imposed on Russia and autocrat Putin criminals by UK.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 19:41 UTC

    One person killed, over 110,000 left without electricity in storm-hit Buenos Aires

    The SMN forecast heavy rains for the remainder of the day

    One woman was killed and over 110,000 households in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) were left with no electricity on Wednesday morning as heavy rains hit the Argentine capital and its surrounding areas, leading to the delay or cancellation of some 60 passenger flights among other nuisances such as flooded streets.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 18:55 UTC

    French company to open world's first solar-powered air traffic control station in Chile

    “No one had ever made a radar 100% independent of the power grid,” Thales' Macaferri explained

    The French company Thales will be opening a 100% solar energy-powered air traffic control (ATC) station in Chile, it was announced in Santiago. The facility will be in the city of Calama in the Atacama Desert in the northern part of the country, it was also explained. The radars consume about one megawatt per hour.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 15:08 UTC

    Good squid catch news from Argentina: jiggers managing some 30 tons per day

    The 65 jiggers operating this season added to 63.037 tons, 45% higher than in 2023, while trawlers contributed with 9.322 tons, 87% more than last year's season.

    The Argentine current squid season, based on catches reports is considered encouraging because the so called sub-Patagonic, 46 degrees South, resource keeps the jigger fleet fully occupied with average catches of 30 tons per day, and with good sized specimens.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 13:04 UTC

    A Malvinas April 2nd parade in front of Argentine Congress

    Victoria Villarruel, a member of the 'military family' and a 'Malvinera'

    Argentine vice president Victoria Villarruel is planning a great parade of Malvinas Veterans in front of the Congress building in Buenos Aires, not necessarily to glorify war and military actions, but to vindicate the thousands of Argentine conscripts that were sent to invade and occupy the Falkland Islands, and after the mission's defeat had to return in disgrace, hidden by their officers, and only years later were given some sort of compensations, although abundant garrulous oral praise. The parade would take place on April 2nd, the 42nd anniversary of the Falklands invasion by Argentine forces.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 12:38 UTC

    Falkland Islands Government representatives attend all-party Parliamentary Group meeting

    The Falkland Islands Representative, Richard Hyslop, with (L-R) Chairman of the Falkland Islands APPG, Peter Dowd MP, and Vice Chairman, Rob Butler MP. Photo: Falkland Islands Government Office

    The Falkland Islands Government Representatives, Richard Hyslop and Michael Betts, participated in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Falkland Islands, held in the Houses of Parliament.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 10:46 UTC

    Yerba mate producers from Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil join forces

    The decision was announced Tuesday in Buenos Aires at the Argentine Yerba Mate Institute HQs

    Growers from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay Tuesday launched the South American Federation of Yerba Mate Producers “to protect and promote” their activity and work toward its “worldwide dissemination,” it was announced in Buenos Aires. The founders of the new guild highlighted mate's value as a natural and healthy food in the global market.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 08:31 UTC

    Lula picks Rosa Weber for Mercosur Court

    Weber's nomination is still pending approval by the Mercosur Council

    Former Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) Chief Justice Rosa Weber has accepted President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's proposal to become a member of Mercosur's Asunción-based Review Court which handles disputes among member countries, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 08:17 UTC

    Argentina: Mauricio Macri becomes PRO Party Chairman

    The former president plans to boost the careers of Torres, Frigerio as well as that of his cousin

    Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri was appointed Tuesday to chair the Propuesta Republicana (PRO) Party which he founded and which led him to the Casa Rosada between 2015 and 2019 under the Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) coalition with the Radical Civic Unión (UCR) and other political forces.

  • Wednesday, March 20th 2024 - 08:06 UTC

    Uruguay: President Lacalle announces first dengue-caused death

    Lacalle will decide with Rando the government's next steps

    President Luis Lacalle Pou Tuesday confirmed Uruguay's first fatality due to dengue fever in 2024 following a Health Ministry (MSP) report that a possible case was under investigation. The head of state will meet Wednesday with Health Minister Karina Rando at the Suarez y Reyes residency to review possible courses of action with the malady as a priority.