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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 16:06 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 20:12 UTC

    Francos takes over as Argentine Cabinet Chief in lieu of Posse

    Francos already chaired his first cabinet meeting on Tuesday

    Nicolás Posse has ceased to be Cabinet Chief within Argentine President Javier Milei's administration. His position will be taken over by Guillermo Francos, who will not be relinquishing his role as Interior Minister, it was reported in Buenos Aires.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 19:34 UTC

    Constitutional Complaint filed against Peru's President

    Boluarte should have taken a medical leave and have the duties of the presidency entrusted to the Speaker of Congress

    Peruvian Congressman Ruth Luque (Democratic Change - Together for Peru) Tuesday filed a Constitutional Complaint against President Dina Boluarte for her 12-day disappearance last year, during which she is believed to have undergone cosmetic surgery.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 14:01 UTC

    Petrobras' new CEO upholds current pricing policy

    The goal is to be profitable while remaining sustainable, Chambriard explained three days after taking over as CEO of Petrobras

    The new CEO of Brazil's State-run oil company Petrobras Monday defended during a press conference the company's current pricing policies to preserve domestic market stability, Agência Brasil reported. Magda Chambriard had been on her post three days after a reshuffle ordered by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 10:37 UTC

    Paraguayan exports on the rise but not for all products

    However, there were significant reductions in exports of corn, beans, soybeans, and electricity

    Paraguayan authorities reported Monday in Asunción that the South American country's global trade had recorded a 6.8% interannual increase in the first four months of 2024. Also showing significant progress was the e-commerce sector.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 09:58 UTC

    Gringo-Gaucho drills this week with USS George Washington

    The USS George Washington has already participated in joint maneuvers with the Argentine Navy in 2008

    The US Navy's George Washington nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is due this week in the South Atlantic for the “Gringo-Gaucho II” joint maneuvers with Argentina approximately 60 miles off Mar del Plata amid President Javier Milei's rapprochement with Washington. Escorted by the USS Porter and the logistic ship USNS John Lenthall, the carrier cannot dock at any relatively small Argentine port given her size.

  • Tuesday, May 28th 2024 - 08:02 UTC

    Petro proposes “Political Peace” Agreement for Venezuela post-elections

    Petro discussed the matter with Brazilian President Lula da Silva in Bogotá, who gave his approval

    Colombian President Gustavo Petro has received a draft proposal aimed at establishing “political peace” in Venezuela following its upcoming presidential elections. This text, developed by Petro’s ambassador in Caracas alongside diplomats from other countries, and businesspeople is expected to be sent to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for consideration soon.

  • Monday, May 27th 2024 - 22:25 UTC

    Nothing wrong with flu and Covid-19 vax campaign in Chile, minister says

    Albagli said more vaccines than ever have been administered so far this year

    Chile's Acting Health Minister Andrea Albagli insisted Monday that there was no lagging in the government's flu vaccination campaign. She made those remarks after politicians from the Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI) tried to link an alleged shortcoming in this regard to five deaths due to that malady in the Ñuble region in the past few days and even hinted she should resign. “I don't know what failure they are talking about,” Albagli stressed.

  • Monday, May 27th 2024 - 20:17 UTC

    Buenos Aires Rural Fair lures three presidents together

    Lacalle Pou, Milei, and Peña will be attending the Summer Olympic Games in Paris the week before

    Conservative Presidents Luis Lacalle Pou of Uruguay and Santiago Peña of Paraguay are to join their hosting colleague Javier Milei on July 28 in Buenos Aires for the annual International Livestock, Agriculture, and Industry Exhibition, also known as the Rural Fair, it was announced.

  • Monday, May 27th 2024 - 19:18 UTC

    WHO Pandemic Agreement not achieved but Tedros still confident

    When there is a will there is a way, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said

    World leaders were urged Monday to keep working toward an unprecedented agreement among nations that would give the World Health Organization (WHO) a stronger voice in fighting the next pandemic. The announcements came after negotiators failed to produce a draft of the agreement by the May 24 deadline, although talks are still ongoing and some form of pact is said to be on the table.

  • Monday, May 27th 2024 - 08:28 UTC

    Port of Montevideo ICSID case: President Lacalle pledges to defend national interests

    Some port users were privileged back in the day, Lacalle argued

    Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou called for “sustaining the largest port investment in history” and pledged to “watch over the national interest” in the US$ 600 million lawsuit filed by Montecon before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) for alleged “anti-competitive practices” in the Port of Montevideo.