Foreign minister Hector Timerman will be taking the Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty claim to London where next week he is scheduled to meet outstanding figures from 18 European countries that have been calling for a resumption of negotiations, according to a release from the Argentine embassy in UK.
Argentina claimed at the CELAC summit in Chile that the UK has converted the Falkland Islands into one of the “most militarized territories in the world” with the sole purpose of exploiting the natural resources of the Islands and control access to Antarctica.
Vice-president Nicolas Maduro, read an eleven page letter he said was written by ailing President Hugo Chavez in which the Venezuelan leader calls for Latinamerican unit, praises Cuba’s chairmanship of CELAC group and takes time to support Argentina’s claims over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands.
Hydrocarbons exploration company Borders and Southern Petroleum announced on Monday that the development of its gas condensate discovery in the Falkland Islands is commercially viable. B&S made its Darwin (East-West) discovery in April and has been carrying out tests to determine the nature of its find.
By John Fowler - Frequently controversial newspaper columnist, Matthew Parris, who was a member of the British Parliament during 1982, has not been noted in the past as a supporter of the Falkland Islands in their struggle to avoid annexation by Argentina. It was something of a surprise therefore to read an article by him in The Times of January 26 entitled Argentina’s hypocrites is steeped in blood.
“Fortress Falklands, life under siege in Britain’s last outpost”, Graham Bound’s newest book on the subject of the Falkland Islands has been published in Spanish in Uruguay, allowing Argentines to, “learn a thing or two that might surprise them,” Graham told Penguin News this week.
A committee has been formed to organize the commemoration of the Battles of Coronel and the Falklands in 1914, two decisive events of the First World War which although occurred in the Southern hemisphere had a full impact in the European conflict.Last week some twenty people met in the Parish Hall of the Falkalnds' capital, Stanley to address the issue under the chairmanship of Phyl Rendell.
The final document of the EU/CELAC summit in Chile which gathered representatives from 61 countries made a strong commitment to promote trade and investment between the two blocks as well as combat protectionism, but there was no explicit mention to the Falklands’ dispute with Argentina.
United States Republican Congressman Thomas Petri will visit the Falkland Islands from Monday 28 January 28 to February 2 accompanied by a group of congressional staff members.
The Falkland Islands will be hosting the 43rd British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Annual Conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) from the 11th to 15th February 2013. This is the second time BIMR holds its annual conference in the Falklands, last time was in February 2004.