Despite claims by the Argentine media that the Bahamas flagged cruise vessel “Seabourn Sojourn” had no plans to visit Falklands the 431 passengers on board have enjoyed a wide range of tours around the Islands after they anchored in Port William, just outside of Stanley Harbour on Friday at 9am.
Personnel from 34 Squadron RAF Regiment and No 609 (West Riding) Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force (RAuxAF) have attended the funeral of Sir Rex Hunt, former Governor of the Falkland Islands.
With the next general election for Legislative Assembly Members for the Falkland Islands Government less than a year away, public consultation has begun on whether the posts should become full time with an appropriate salary paid.
For the first time a Falkland Islands fishing company is seeking to have its good management certificated by the internationally recognised Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
The Bahamas flagged cruise vessel ‘Seabourn Sojourn’ that on Thursday berthed at Ushuaia reported to Argentine port authorities it has no plans to visit the Falklands/Malvinas Islands according to press reports from the capital of Argentine Tierra del Fuego.
Noble Energy Inc. (NBL) unveiled a discovery in the Big Bend exploration area in the Gulf of Mexico as it also abandoned another well off the shore of the Falkland Islands that yielded a low-quality reservoir.
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd. (FOGL) focused on exploration in areas to the South and East of the Falkland Islands reported on Tuesday that the well drilled at its Scotia prospect discovered poor quality hydrocarbons.
Argentine ambassador Alicia Castro rejected at the International Maritime Organization, IMO, British complaints on maritime security in Argentine waters and navigation obstacles for British and Falklands flagged vessels which access Argentine ports.
The UK is pursuing actions through the European Union, the World Trade Organization and the International Maritime Organization following the latest intimidation incidents from Argentina against the Falkland Islands and which also involve interfering with the free passage of shipping and free trade.
Argentina has started a major diplomatic campaign in an attempt to deny success to the Falkland Islands March referendum on its nationals’ political status, fearing the negative international repercussions for its sovereignty claims over the disputed Islands.