Scottish First Minister warned that 12 countries could be barred from his country’s waters and would not even be allowed to pass through to reach Norwegian waters if an independent Scotland was refused European Union (EU) membership.
The European Commission's annual report on the European fishing fleet shows some progress towards achieving a balance between capacity and available fishing opportunities. However more remains to be done to ensure that stocks are managed in accordance with the objective of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and the Commission considers that there is still a need for active fleet capacity adjustment measures by Member States in order to achieve this.
The recently launched “Blue Pampa” project is a ten-year 'strategic initiative' with the purpose of researching South Atlantic resources in five different areas to ensure conservation and management, plus reinforce Argentine sovereignty with inter-disciplinary campaigns and inter-ministerial support, according to Argentina's Science, Technology and Productive Innovation ministry.
Argentina's Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional a Ministry of Economy resolution imposing export taxes on the overseas sale of produce from Camaronera Patagonica. Following the ruling the Patagonia shrimp company should be able to recover the levies on exports charged between March and August 2002.
Out of a total of 12 Peruvian companies in the fishmeal and fish oil industry, only two recorded profits during 2013, while the other ten accumulated a loss equivalent to 87.4 million dollars, according to the country's National Society of Fisheries, SNP.
A fisheries amendment bill that has passed its second reading in Parliament sets that fishing companies can use foreign charter vessels only if they are flying the New Zealand flag and obey New Zealand laws. The legislation came from a ministerial inquiry led by minister Paul Swain, following serious allegations of mistreatment of crew on foreign chartered vessels.
The UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Japan must temporarily halt its whaling program in the Antarctic. It agreed with Australia, which brought the case in May 2010, that the program was not for scientific research as claimed by Tokyo.
Falkland Islands is reporting record catches of Illex and Loligo squid this season. News first arrived last Sunday when it was announced that local jiggers had caught the highest daily catch and highest catch rate of Loligo squid since at least 2000.
Delegates from the European Union (EU) are to visit Argentina between September and December later this year to inspect the facilities that comprise the whole fishing production circuit: docks, boats, processing plants authorized to export to EU and offices of the National Service of Agri-food health and quality, (Senasa).
The 50,000 square kilometers of maritime space Peru gained from the favorable ruling by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, on the border dispute with Chile, have a potential fishing activity that includes 200,000 tons of Peruvian squid, according to the country's Sea Institute, (Imarpe).