Norway will pay Brazil US$ 70 million for reducing deforestation in the Amazon in 2017 but is concerned over a more recent surge in the destruction of the world's largest tropical rainforest, according to a Norwegian government statement.
Barack Obama said of the U.S. mid-term elections that “the character of our country is on the ballot,” and the outcome proved him right. The United States is a psychological basket case, more deeply and angrily divided than at any time since the Vietnam War.
Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos has said he is giving US$2 billion to start a fund that will open pre-schools in low-income neighborhoods and give money to non-profit groups which help homeless families.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson spent the first of his five-day visit to Latin America in Peru on Saturday 19 May. In the first visit of a British Foreign Secretary to Peru in over 50 years, Mr. Johnson joined Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra and other high level Peruvian officials on a visit to Iquitos, located in the Amazon.
Colombia’s highest court has told the government it must take urgent action to protect its Amazon rainforest and stem rising deforestation, in what campaigners said was an historic moment that should help conserve forests and counter climate change.
Britain plans to introduce a tax to target multinationals such as Google and Amazon accused of using complex accounting schemes to cut their payments on earnings in the country.
Former Brazilian environment minister and presidential candidate Marina Silva has launched a new political party with an eye on next year’s presidential elections. The new party is called “Sustainability Network.” It was launched in Brasilia at a meeting of politicians, congressmen and other Silva supporters.
Venezuela announced it is investigating an alleged massacre of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest, after a tribal group told the government that a village of 80 natives was attacked in July from a helicopter.
Deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon, the world’s biggest rain forest, more than doubled last month as farmers become more confident they’ll be granted amnesty for illegal logging.
Brazil's environment agency gave its definitive approval Wednesday for construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, a controversial 17 billion US dollars project in the Amazon that has drawn criticism from native Indians and conservationists.